Showing posts with label Ohio Elections. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ohio Elections. Show all posts

Monday, August 29, 2011

"Hacking Democracy" screens in Peterborough, NH

The documentary "Hacking Democracy" will be shown on Wednesday, September 7 at the Peterborough, NH Town Library, 2 Concord Street. The film starts at 7 p.m. You can reach the library at (603) 924-8040.

The documentary, first broadcast on HBO, exposes the dangers of voting machines widely used in the US. Electronic voting machines count approximately 90% of our votes in county, state and federal elections. The technology is also increasingly being used across the world, including in Canada, the United Kingdom, Europe and Latin America. Filmed over three years, Hacking Democracy follows a team of citizen activists and hackers as they take on the electronic voting industry, targeting the Diebold corporation, and uncovers incendiary evidence from the trash cans of Texas to the ballot boxes of Ohio, exposing secrecy, discarded votes, hackable software and election officials rigging the presidential recount.

Ultimately proving our votes can be stolen without a trace, "Hacking Democracy" culminates in the famous 'Hursti Hack'; a duel between the Diebold voting machines and a computer hacker from Finland - with America's democracy at stake.

Even though this is not a new film, easily-manipulated electronic voting equipment continues to threaten the integrity of our elections. Come see the film and talk with others about what can be done to protect the vote.


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

David Cobb tours Ohio: Bring friends, family and colleagues to learn more about Move To Amend

Start Independence Day out right by coming to hear David Cobb discuss the growing national movement to amend the US Constitution to abolish corporate personhood and create real democracy.

David will be speaking Wednesday, June 30 in Athens; Thursday, July 1 in Wooster; Friday, July 2 in Cleveland; and Saturday, July 3 in Akron. See venue info and times below.

David is an executive committee member of the Move to Amend coalition, composed of more than 60 grassroots and national organizations working toward a 28th Amendment to declare that corporations are not people, and that money is not equivalent to free speech. (Alliance for Democracy is a steering committee member of Move to Amend.) He's also a principal of POCLAD (Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy) and was the Green Party's presidential candidate in 2004.

Wednesday, June 30: Athens
7:00 p.m., Talk, Christ-the-King Church, 75 Stewart St.
Contacts: John Howell, 740-592-5789,; Dick Hogan, 740-664-4028,

Thursday, July 1: Wooster
7:00 p.m., Talk, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 3186 Burbank Rd.
Contact: Dave Sears, 330-262-WNET (9638),

Friday July 2: Cleveland
7:00 p.m., Talk, Unitarian Universalist Society, 2728 Lancashire Rd., Cleveland Heights
Contacts: Lois Romanoff, 216-231-2170,; Greg Coleridge,

Saturday July 3: Akron
10:00 AM, Talk, Maple Valley Branch Public Library, 1187 Copley Rd., Akron
Contact: Mary Nichols-Rhodes, 330-957-6167,; Greg Coleridge, 330-928-2301,

For more information, see the Northeast Ohio American Friends Service Committee page on"Corporations vs Democracy", the "Create Real Democracy" blog, and the Move to Amend website.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A few more articles on voting rights

Last week the New York Times found that tens of thousands of new voters have been illegally removed from the voting rolls--not because of any partisan action but because of mistakes in how states are following new regulations on registrations and voter files. Still, because the majority of new registrants are Democrats, the opposition party is going to take the biggest hit in November.

Regardless of whether human error or human malice is behind the Times's findings, there's a lot out there that stinks like a three-day fish. Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman have a net-full at, here. And there's a great defense of ACORN circulating c/o Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections.

Are you registered to vote? Are you sure? Check out this page at Election Defense Alliance to find out how you can confirm your voter status.


Monday, October 13, 2008

Videos of Ohio Election Protection Conference now available online

New at videos of the "As Goes Ohio ... Election Protection Conference" held September 26-28 in Columbus, Ohio, can now be viewed online here, including the keynote address by Mark Crispin Miller, author of Loser Take All and Fooled Again: How the Right Stole the 2004 Elections. Click here for the full agenda for the conference. Here's a video of former Alliance national co-chair Cliff Arnebeck with an update on the the King Lincoln Bronzeville lawsuit.


Ukiah Valley chapter organizers host "Corporations and Democracy"

On October 3rd Steve Scalmanini and his wife Annie Esposito of the Ukiah Valley Chapter began hosting the first of the two monthly "Corporations and Democracy" radio programs on KZYX that covers Mendocino County, CA (100 miles north of San Francisco.)

Their first broadcast addressed what has been done in swing states to try to steal the 2008 presidential election, explained live by Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman of Columbus, Ohio, who are still involved with exposing the fraud in the 2004 election there.

Steve and Annie's program will be on 1st Fridays from 1-2 pm pacific time. On 3rd Fridays the hosts will continue to be Tom Wodetzki and Toni Rizzo of the Mendocino Coast Chapter, who for 10 years have been hosting both monthly shows with a few other members from the coast chapter. (Their guest on October 17th will be Naomi Klein, author of The Shock Doctrine.) Webcasts of the programs can be heard live at or locally at 90.7, 91.5, or 88.1 FM depending on where you are in the County.

Steve has been active in the Ukiah Valley Chapter (previously known as the Russian River Chapter) since 2003, helping host many speakers and video showings in the area, being semiretired after a career in the electronics business in Silicon Valley from 1973 to 2001. Annie retired in December after ten years as news director at radio station KZYX.


Monday, September 8, 2008

NPR spotlights electronic voting

NPR's "Science Friday" took a look at voting machine security and ballot design with guest Larry Norden, of the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University and project director for the Voting Technology Assessment Project. You can listen on-line here. We face a scary situation, and perhaps Mr. Norden might strike you as a little too calm, but the info is good.

With about 35% of us voting on hackable direct recording electronic machines in two months, please visit Election Defense Alliance's site to find out what you can do in the next 60 days to make sure all the votes are counted.


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Reminder: Two great films on election protection are making the rounds...make sure you see them before it's too late!

Make it a point to see these films soon, and to bring as many people as you can, especially if they're still not sure anything crooked happened in the last few elections.

Stealing America: Vote by Vote is currently playing in selected cities. Make sure to check the film's website and if it's anywhere near you, go. In Cambridge, Mass., members of Election Defense Alliance have been doing Q&A sessions after some of the screenings and have found many people willing to take some pre-emptive actions to prevent election theft. Visit their website for much more information, action suggestions, and links to other national and state-level election protection groups. You can also sign up as a potential independent election exit poll or ballot count volunteer.

If you need another reason to see Stealing America, ask yourself how often a good documentary on a very timely national issue makes it into a "real" movie theater? Support this one now, and you may see more in the future.

And we've posted a few clips from Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections; here's a final one. This film is being screened "houseparty" style, so check their website for screenings in your area, or look up the film at Brave New Theaters. In the trailer, please make a note of the actions you can take to help safeguard the integrity of your vote and the votes of your fellow citizens. Make sure you do at least one of these actions before November (and check out the actions at Election Defense Alliance, too). Democracy protection is everyone's responsibility.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

News from Portland Alliance for Democracy

In September and October, Portland Alliance for Democracy will be showing a series of films on non-violence, and hosting Ohio election expert Richard Hayes Phillips--and co-sponsoring a forum on fair trade--and continuing to campaign for Instant Runoff Voting...oh, and organizing a conference on water.

Here's the details: "Movie Nights" kick off Wednesday, September 10 at 7 p.m. at the Bridgeport United Church of Christ, 621 NE 76th Ave. The series, "A Force More Powerful", focuses on non-violent resistance as one of the most important but least understood means of overcoming oppression and authoritarian rule. The first films look at the life and work of Gandhi, and the sit-ins and boycotts that desegregated downtown Nashville. Future film topics include Yugoslavian resistance to Slobodan Milocevic (Sept. 24), Danish resistance to the Nazis and the Polish Solidarity movement (Oct. 15) and anti-apartheid movement in South Africa and anti-Pinochet organizing in Chile (Oct. 29).

Richard Hayes Phillips will speak Wednesday, September 17, at the First Unitarian Church, Eliot Hall, SW 12th and Salmon Streets, Portland. No one turned away, but a $5-10 donation is appreciated. The church's Democracy Action Group and KBOO community radio(90.7 FM) are co-sponsoring.

Phillips began investigating the Ohio election when he received an e-mail containing obviously erroneous election results from Cleveland. He quickly found that hundred of votes in certain precincts had inexplicably shifted from John Kerry to other presidential candidates. His investigation is detailed in Witness to a Crime: A Citizen's Audit of an American Election..

Next moonth, the Trade Forum will take place on Tuesday, October 14, at 7 p.m. at Portland's First Unitarian Church (note--new date! If you copied the original Sept. 24 date onto your calendar change it now!). Representatives of the Oregon Fair Trade Campaign will discuss past failures of "Free Trade" agreements, examine the Trade Act of 2008, and hopefully get commitments of support for the bill from the two candidates running for Oregon's open Senate seat. Candidates Gordon Smith (R-incumbent) and Jeff Merkley (D) have been invited. Mr. Merkley has accepted and will be present. No word yet from Smith.

Good news, too, on IRV--the chapter's Instant Runoff Voting campaign has commitments from both their state senators and representatives to introduce local option IRV into both legislative chambers when they convene next year.

Lastly, the chapter is planning a water conference for October 17-18 at the First Unitarian Church--details to follow!


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Have you checked out the Headline blog recently?

Rights for nature in Ecuador, an investigation into Karl Rove's Cybergate, and a look at what could be in store for voters in November as they line up to cast their ballots on thousands of substandard and unsecure machines... all on Alliance for Democracy's Headlines blog. Take a look!


Thursday, August 7, 2008

From "Uncounted": Stealing an election the old-fashioned way

Here's another clip from Uncounted featuring a reminder that you might not need to hack the vote--you can steal an election the old-fashioned way by making sure that the people who might vote against you can't cast a ballot.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Follow-ups on Ohio lawsuit

If you want to label and dismiss something as a conspiracy theory, an easy way to do it is to ask why, when it's so contrary to human nature to keep secrets, none of the conspirators have "leaked" a bit.

In the case of the 2004 elections, we're beginning to see some new information bubbling to the surface.

As former AfD co-chair Cliff Arnebeck and other voting rights activists move to re-open the King Lincoln Bronzeville suit, attention is again being paid to the question of how to rig a voting machine, and what role either the manufacturers or Republican party bigwigs had in the fix.

At the press conference on the King Lincoln Bronzeville suit, computer security expert Stephen Spoonamore talked about a patch file he received from a Georgia whistle-blower, that when installed on Diebold electronic voting machines in DeKalb and Fulton counties by none other than Diebold CEO Bob Urosevich, threw the senate vote to Republican Saxby Chambliss, over Democratic incumbent Max Cleland. You can read about it on the web at Raw Story or see video here.

More web coverage has focused on the role played by Republican computer expert Mike Connell. In an interview with Velvet Revolution, Bob Fitrakis called Connell "a high IQ Forrest Gump. It's like everything important--2000 election Florida; 2004 Ohio; firewall in Congress--he happens to show up and be the builder of these [im]penetrable forces and also may know who has the key to get in." (A transcription of the interview is available on the BradBlog, here.

More recently, Cliff has said that there are credible threats that Karl Rove will engineer lobby law violations charges against Connell's wife unless he "takes the fall" for irregularities in Ohio, and asked for federal and state protection for the Connells "from this reported attempt to intimidate a witness." Read more on the BradBlog and ePluribus Media, and listen to Cliff, Brad, and radio host Peter B. Collins discuss the case and what's next here.


Thursday, July 24, 2008

On the air: Cliff Arnebeck and Steve Heller

Cliff Arnebeck, former AfD co-chair and lead attorney for plaintiffs in the King Lincoln Bronzeville v. Blackwell suit, will be a guest tomorrow (Friday, 7/25) on VoteRescue Radio, from 7 to 9 p.m. VoteRescue Radio can be heard on the 'net at

Cliff announced last week that he is filing a motion to "lift the stay in the case [and] proceed with targeted discovery in order to help protect the integrity of the 2008 election."

In the King Lincoln Bronzeville case, individuals and voting rights groups have filed suit against former Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell, alleging that he allocated election resources in a racially discriminatory manner and purged voters from the rolls along race lines. This led to disenfranchisement of voters due to ballot cancellations, tampering, long poll lines, difficulties with voting machines, and unclear precinct boundaries.

This case has the potential to put some of the most powerful people in the country in jail, according to Arnebeck, as he was joined by a well-respected, life-long Republican computer security expert Stephen Spoonamore, who charged that the red flags seen during Ohio's 2004 Presidential Election would have been cause for "a fraud investigation in a bank, but it doesn't when it comes to our vote."

Cliff was also the lead attorney in the 2004 "Moss v. Bush" case which challenged the certified electoral votes for the state of Ohio.

He'll be appearing with Steve Heller, election integrity activist and "Diebold Whistle-blower" (he's featured in a video clip from the new film Uncounted which we posted here.) You can read press related to his case here.

In addition to the internet stream, VoteRescue Radio can also be heard over the phone at 512/485-9010. All shows are also archived at the above web site, usually within a couple of hours after 8pm CDT. The call-in number is 512-646-1984.


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Steal the election--back!

After the 2004 election, Sheri Lee Myers and Sophie Goldstein brought us Cheated--a comic-book expose of voter disenfranchisement, the Green & Libertarian parties' recount, and the Moss v. Bush lawsuit--complete with footnotes! Now, just in time for 2008, a new comic is here to psych us up to steal the election back! Journalist Greg Palast and artist Ted Rall have joined forces on what Greg calls “hard-edged investigative journalism—in ‘toon form.” Download the comic “Vote Theft for Idiots—Part 1” at Greg’s website, and share it with friends, family, and current and future voters.

And pencil a little filmviewing in for your July 4th weekend: Free For All, a new and comic look at vote theft in Ohio by John Ennis, will be up on the web for viewing and download at Greg Palast says “it's funny as hell - oddly, democracy's death can tickle your funny bone.” Here's the trailer:


Thursday, June 19, 2008

"Irrefutable evidence" of fraud in 2004 Ohio election

Richard Hayes Phillips, Ph.D., has been a leading investigator of the 2004 presidential election in Ohio. His new book, "Witness to a Crime: A Citizens' Audit of an American Election," is now out, and can be ordered from

To research the book, Phillips examined 126,000 ballots, 127 poll books, 141 voter signature books, and other records, enabling him to prove that the election was
rigged. Rep. John Conyers relied on Phillips' work in his challenge of the Ohio elections. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. cited Phillips' research in his article for Rolling Stone magazine, and Judge Algenon Marbley drew on it in issuing his court order protecting the ballots from destruction. Kennedy has called it "irrefutable evidence."

The book is hard bound, cloth cover, with 448 pages of text and tables, eight pages of color photographs, and a CD containing 1200 images of evidence from Ohio.

To contact the author, email


Thursday, May 29, 2008

As Karl Rove tries to fend off a subpoena by the House Judiciary Committee, AfD council member Steve Scalmanini forwards "a good refresher from Greg Palast on the election fraud in 2004
and what to look for in 2008."

The video is from Brasscheck TV, which adds "If what Karl Rove did to the US election rolls is not corrected by November, John McCain has already been elected president. This subpoena is the LAST chance to set things right."


Monday, March 24, 2008

Common Cause Ohio criticizes Dispatch's take on Ohio SOS

Sibley Arnebeck, of Common Cause Ohio and the state's Voting Rights Institute, has written a letter criticizing the Columbus Dispatch's coverage and criticism of Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner. Sibley's husband, Cliff, former AfD co-chair and head counsel in Moss v. Bush, brought it to our attention, noting that the Dispatch didn't make any mention of Brunner's upcoming receipt of the JFK Profiles in Courage award, along with California SOS Debra Brown. The two are being recognized for their work to ensure vote accuracy and integrity.

Sibley writes that a recent article in the Dispatch criticized Brunner for not reappointing certain officials, including the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections and chairman of the Ohio Republican Party, Robert T. Bennett, who is "notorious for his role in the Ohio election of 2004, where voter suppression and voting anomalies were evidence of a strong partisan interference to sway the vote...[Brunner] won her office on the promise to restore free, fair and open elections to Ohio after the well-documented disaster left by her Republican predecessor, J. Kenneth Blackwell...She has gone about her task in a methodical and effective manner, with good humor and integrity. She deserves all of our congratulations for, as she said, getting Ohio's elections out of intensive care."

You can read the whole letter here.


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Ohio activists ask for AG investigation into 2004 election fraud

Former AfD co-chair and voting rights attorney Cliff Arnebeck reports that counsel in the King Lincoln v. Blackwell lawsuit have referred massive evidence of fraud in the 2004 Ohio Presidential election to the state's Attorney General, Marc Dann.

Ohio public radio correspondent Bill Cohen filed a story on the request for an official investigation, which was broadcast across the state on November 20. The piece features comments from Cliff and activist/investigator Richard Hayes Phillips, as well as a GOP spokesperson, who dismissed alleged ballot purging, vote shifting, machine tampering and voter intimidation as "minor problems" that were no worse in 2004 than in other years.

You can listen to the story here. The request for an investigation was also covered in the Toledo Blade and, somewhat snidely, in the Cleveland Plain Dealer. However, as Phillips points out in Cohen's radio story, an official investigation isn't just a matter of setting the historical record straight, it's also important for the security of future elections: "If you want to make your house burglar-proof, you need to find out how the thief got in."

You can also read the Blade and Plain Dealer stories on the AfD headlines blog, at


Monday, August 27, 2007

E-Newsletter, August 27, 2007

The Alliance for Democracy
E-Newsletter, August 27, 2007

To our members and supporters,
With the November elections only seven weeks away, this newsletter highlights "Questions for Candidates."

Multinational corporations exert enormous influence
over our elections, shaping the agenda and choices the candidates present to us,
and subsequently influencing the development of policies that impact every
aspect of our lives. What's more, the corporate media is no help in
educating voters to real alternatives that meet the needs of all people and
their communities.

So, this month we asked our chapters and council
members to send in the questions they'd like their candidates to
answer. See August's "Top-Ten"
list below.

Corporations are largely non-partisan when it comes to
buying and selling influence...and, so is our
resistance. We urge you to ask these questions of all candidates
running in your area, Democrat, Republican or third-party, liberal or
conservative. By asking questions, you and all of us help to set the
agenda, and by demanding answers we all assert that the options for
achieving a true peoples' democracy are much wider than what corporate America,
their candidates and the corporate media want us to believe.

Because campaigning heats up after Labor Day, we'll have a
new set of questions in the September eNews. What questions are you asking? Let
us know at with
"Candidate Questions" in the subject line.

In this Issue:

Election-Season Actions:

  • Questions for Candidates
  • Climate Crisis Actions--Katrina Anniversary
    Action at NOAA and Climate Crisis Platform for Candidates

  • Voter's Pledge--Build a Base Against War

Alliance News

  • State Vote on Campaign Finance Limits in Oregon
  • Water Work--Defending Water for Life Campaign in New England
  • AfD at the Maine Social Forum
  • Ohio Update
  • By-law Change Ballot
  • A Note from the Office

"Ask the Candidates"--Top Ten from AfD Members

Some questions below refer to issues before
candidates for federal office only. But as Congress drops the ball on
issues like fair trade, minimum wage, climate change, health care and election
reform, we're seeing more and more state-level, and even local candidates,
stepping in with proposals for change and new solutions--a development to

  1. Do you suppport the immediate withdrawal of US
    troops from Iraq? If not, what kind of timeframe would you support for

  2. In 2000 and 2004 we saw specific,
    documented violations of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, but two US
    Attorneys General have taken no action to enforce the law. What would you do
    to ensure that the Justice Department enforces the Voting Rights Act, now

  3. We're simultaneously suffering from an energy
    crisis and from the effects of global warming. How would you support the
    development of sustainable energy sources? Would you vote for a fund to help
    homeowners and businesses invest in sustainable energy generation? How would
    you lessen the environmental impact of our energy use? Shouldn't the US sign
    on to the Kyoto Protocol on Global Warming? As an office holder, how would you
    help make the US a signatory?

  4. The US is becoming a nation of haves and
    have-nots. How will you change this? Would you tie the minimum wage to
    cost of living, with automatic increases? What about progressive income taxes,
    like we had in the 1950s? What will you do to contain the wages and benefits
    packages of top executives while at the same time increasing the real
    earnings, wages, benefits, and pensions of workers?

  5. To restore Congress's role in writing fair trade
    legislation that promotes labor rights, health, and the environment, will
    you vote against renewal of presidential "fast track" trade promotion
    authority, which comes up in Spring, 2007? How will you support fair trade
    policies over the kind of "free trade" agreements that enrich multinational
    corporations at the cost of local economies and local democratic
    sovereignty and control?

  6. Big-money corporate donations have distorted
    our election process. What would you do to make candidates more responsive to
    the public? What about public campaign funding? Would you support ending
    the "personhood" of corporations, a legal fiction that has led courts to
    defend out-of-control corporate campaign contributions as a form of "free

  7. What is your position on safeguarding
    the accuracy of our elections, especially with the use of electronic
    voting machines? Would you support mandatory printed paper audit trails for
    all ballots cast on DRE touch-screen machines? Would you support broad-based,
    mandatory, random election audits based on proven statistically significant
    samples? What about mandatory manual recounts of any election decided by less
    than 5% of the votes cast? Do you support changes in law to make electronic
    voting machine computer source code public, rather than a protected "trade

  8. Would you vote to end "Star Wars" missile defense
    If so, to what purpose would you redirect those tax dollars
    from military to domestic needs?

  9. Do you think that the United States is an
    imperial power? Why or why not? If you think America is or is becoming an
    empire, what would you do about it?

  10. If the Democrats gain control of the House, would
    you support impeachment proceedings against the president and vice president?

Climate Crisis Actions--Katrina Anniversary Action at NOAA and Climate Crisis
Platform for Candidates

Scientists agree that the excessive use of fossil fuels is
changing the climate on Earth. When those changes take place faster than species
can adapt, the result is disease and extinction--and it is happening now at a
rate faster than at any other time in human history.

Don't believe the energy industry hype--more carbon in the
atmosphere won't perk up trees or make for pleasantly warmer winters. Even a
rise of 2 or 3 degrees will have dramatic effects on life as we know it. We need
to act now to avert dangerous rises in sea level, severe storms and droughts,
increased threat to human life from the spread of disease-carrying insects and
rodents, damage to fragile ecosystems, and disruption of agriculture around the

If you are sick of government indifference to global warming and its effects, then we urge you to support the two actions
below. AfD is a member of this coalition, represented by Co-Chair Nancy Price:

  • On August 26, gather from 12 noon to 3 p.m. in front of
    the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) headquarters, 1305
    East-West Highway at the Silver Spring Metro stop. The US Climate Emergency
    Council (USCEC) is organizing this demonstration to
    mark the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.

A year after Katrina, hundreds of people are still
missing, and thousands have been displaced. Meanwhile, NOAA's leadership
is ignoring or distorting the growing number of studies linking major
hurricanes to global warming. This is in direct violation of their mission to
warn the nation about dangerous weather and to improve our understanding and
stewardship of the environment. Their disregard for scientific evidence places
all of us and our communities at risk.

Now is the time to get busy and organize a local
climate action network. There are 10 steps on USCEC's website at

  • Support the call for 2006 congressional candidates
    to support the following measures:
    1. Enact the McCain-Lieberman "Climate Stewardship Act"
      (without a nuclear provision) as a first step to reduce carbon dioxide

    2. Withdraw federal subsidies (currently estimated at
      around $25 billion a year) from coal, oil, and natural gas development, as
      well as from carbon-intensive agriculture--and establish equivalent
      subsidies to jump-start a renewable energy economy based on wind, solar,
      tidal power, biomass, small-scale hydropower, and other non-nuclear,
      sustainable energy technologies.

    3. Promote the People's Ratification of the Kyoto
      Protocol--the Kyoto Global Warming Treaty. You can sign electronically, and
      also print the petition at to gather
      signatures. Let's lead the way for a post-2012 framework to transition
      away from fossil fuels to clean energy technologies

Alliance News

State Vote on Campaign Finance Limits on Oregon

The AfD Portland chapter celebrates the successful
conclusion of the first phase for adopting limitations on campaign contributions
and expenditures in Oregon. That first phase was the gathering of signatures to
place two initiatives on the November ballot. Word came from the Oregon
Secretary of State's office August 7th that both measures would be on the
November ballot. Yes!

Oregon is one of five states with no limitations on campaign
contributions or expenditures. Therefore, special interests, primarily
corporate, rule in the state and have long threatened democratic

There are two measures because the Oregon Supreme Court in
1997 ruled that our CFR law was unconstitutional and that any limit would be an
unconstitutional infringement on free speech. This is the only court in America
to have so ruled. Therefore, the first measure changes the constitution to allow

The second measure is a statute with the limits, including a
ban on all corporate and union contributions, limits on individual
contributions, and limits on independent expenditures. Provisions are included
requiring timely reporting of candidate contributions and expenditures and
timely disclosure of same by the Secretary of State to the public. Provisions
are included allowing the formation of small donor committees (SDC) to which
individuals could contribute up to $50 per SDC. Membership organizations (Sierra
Club, or labor unions, for instance) could contribute up to $50 per member to a
SDC. SDCs could spend their funds on candidate elections in any manner they

Now the second phase begins--getting the measures passed.
Planning the campaign is underway. For details of the measures and the campaign,
visit, or

Contributions are being accepted to fund the campaign
activities. To donate, visit the FairElectionsOregon website at

--David e. Delk, AfD Vice Co-Chair and chief
petitioner on the constitutional amendment

Water Work--Defending Water for Life Campaign in New England

Kate Harris has begun working with AfD to coordinate the
Defending Water for Life campaign in Maine. The campaign was publicly launched
at the Maine Social Forum (see article below), where a track was offered on
water privatization and Ruth Caplan did a trade workshop and spoke to a plenary

Screenings of "Thirst" are being scheduled where people have
expressed an interest. Please visit the campaign website at, or contact Kate at,
or 207-470-7479.

And in other news, the New England campaign will soon have
water privatization sites in New England and New York posted on a map available
on the internet. Stay tuned--we will let you know when it's up. And please
register for the "Our Communities, Our Water" conference September 22 to 24 at
the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. AfD is helping to organize this
conference, which will connect global and local water protection/privatization
issues for activists and concerned citizens in New York, New England and eastern

Keynote speaker for the event will be Francis Moore Lappe,
author of the recently-published Democracy's Edge, and the classic
Diet for a Small Planet, which has introduced millions of households to
the social forces shaping global hunger and our responsibility to use our
everyday choices to create a better world. Democracy's
explores a concept Lappe calls "living democracy" and
profiles many organizations (including AfD) that are bringing it into practice.

For more info on conference, go to

--Ruth Caplan, national campaign coordinator,
"Defending Water for Life" campaign

AfD at the Maine Social Forum

The Alliance for Democracy made a fine showing at the
first-ever Maine Social Forum, held in Lewiston July 28 - 30. In addition to the
water track (see above) we offered a workshop entitled "If Corporations Are
Persons, Why Can't We Try Them for Murder?", which was well-attended and
explored ideas about educating the people of Maine about the corporate
personhood issue. We would like Maine to be the first state to pass some kind of
legislation denying personhood to corporations in the state. One person in the
group suggested making it an amendment to the state constitution.

Ruth Caplan was one of those selected to be a convocation
(plenary) speaker. She provided an excellent overview of water issues facing the
state, so those who could not attend the workshops got a good picture of what
Maine faces in terms of fighting to protect its water resources and public water

AfD also had a presence in other programs. During the
"Neoliberalism and the Commons" workshop, many people expressed an interest in
the Tapestry of the Commons workshop (see
In a program on counter-recruitment the American Friends Service Committee
expressed interest in using Boston/Cambridge Alliance chapter facilitator David
Lewit's Gandhi Circles in their programs planned for September 11. This kind of
networking, which is what the social forums are really all about, occurred over
and over for the groups that attended. This is what made the weekend such a

--Bonnie Preston, Downeast Maine

Ohio Update

Preparations are proceeding for "Tune In, Tune-up, and Turn
Out--A Voting Rights Revival", a conference to be held the weekend of October 13
through 15 at Columbus State Community College, Columbus, Ohio.

David Korten will be speaking and talking with the audience
about his latest book, The Great Turning, on Friday night. Ronnie
Dugger will share his latest insights and visions for the future of our
democracy. Doris "Granny D" Haddock will speak on the American town hall, and
Greg Moore, Director of the DNC Voting Rights Institute, the most important
civil rights leader in the country today, will discuss all the efforts going
made to protect civil rights in America. The conference will have the use of six
seminar rooms, and an auditorium that seats 400 people so that there will be
plenty of room for workshops and speakers, and opportunities for activists to
network among the large number of Ohio-based and national organizations that are
regularly coordinating their efforts in Ohio and national coalitions.

We have just initiated a "Save the Ballots" website ( for the purpose
of building public support for the preservation of the voting records from the
2004 election, which without public intervention, appear likely to be destroyed
on September 3, 2006. According to, when the ballots for
suspect counties were examined this spring--for the first time--examiners found
evidence of ballot-box stuffing and official precinct results that were off by
hundreds of votes. The ballots are "the smoking gun" to explain what happened in
Ohio. And even though they weren't made public until earlier this
year, they can be legally destroyed after September 2. Go to the
website and e-mail to
find out more about this initiative.

In the meantime, investigations by grassroots professionals
and volunteers under the auspices of the Free Press and Ohio Honest Elections
continue to gather important information in regard to how the 2004 election was

--Cliff Arnebeck, AfD Co-Chair

By-Law Change Ballot

Our national office recently mailed out a ballot for some
important by-law changes to our current members. Please mark and mail your
ballot so that we receive it in the office by August 31. And thanks for voting.
Please contact the office if you have any questions at,
or 781-894-1179.

Membership Committee

The AfD membership committee has created a task force headed
by council members Jean Maryborn (;
208-263-2658) and Rick LaMonica (,
314-962-9843), charged with improving communication between members and both the
national council (board) and national office. We hope to organize a lapsed
member phone call renewal campaign and strengthen chapter and regional
activities to recruit new Alliance members. We also want to expand the AfD
website with frequent updates on current activities of campaigns and chapters.
Any member that wants to assist on this project should contact either Jean or

--Rick LaMonica, St. Louis MO AfD

A Note from the Office

Our national office has extra copies of the summer issue of
YES! magazine, which explores the idea of empire through the past 5000 years of
history with articles by David Korten, John Mohawk, and Dale Wen among
others. We will be happy to mail you a copy but would appreciate a donation
to cover postage (sending 5 or 6 .39 stamps would be most


Monday, May 14, 2007

E-Newsletter, May 14, 2007

The Alliance for Democracy
E-Newsletter, May 14, 2007

Dear AfD members and supporters,
Please share this e-newsletter with your friends to let them know about the Alliance and our work. We hope you and others will take the time and respond to some of the actions below. Momentum is building for peace, holding the administration accountable, and building a people’s movement in this country.

Please invite your friends and family to look at our website, and let Barbara Clancy, our office manager, know if she might send them an invitation to join the Alliance.

Thank you, Lou Hammann and Nancy Price, Co-chairs

Alliance News:

  • Justice Rising to be mailed soon!
  • Getting ready for the US Social Forum
  • Colonel Ann Wright speaks in Mendocino on ending war
  • Ohio updates at AfD website

Action Alerts for Corporate Globalization and Honest Election Campaigns

Allied Actions and Events:

  • Climate Crisis Coalition organizer says "Time Is Short"
  • Beyond the gas boycott
  • California democrats pass impeachment resolution
  • Bring back COOL for informed consumer choice

Alliance News
Justice Rising to be mailed soon
The upcoming issue of Justice Rising, titled "Corporate Destruction of the Environment and Grassroots Solutions to Save the Planet," will be mailed out in the next few weeks. Don't miss this issue--please join AfD or renew your membership today. You can renew online quickly and securely. Please e-mail the office if you have questions about your membership.

Getting ready for the US Social Forum
The US Social Forum takes place in Atlanta from Wednesday, June 27 to Sunday, July 1. Everything you need to know about attending (and more) is online at Click on workshops and marvel at the diversity of organizations submitting proposals and topics. We are building a people's movement right here at home.

Main events, plenaries, concerts, etc., will take place at the Convention Center. Over 600 workshops will talk place in many venues in and around the center as well. There will be 12 large tents set up, dedicated to specific themes, and many different organizations that focus on these themes will have tables in those tents. AfD is taking part in the Democracy Tent and the Water Tent. The Alliance has submitted four workshop proposals and is the co-sponsor of two others. To date, two have been accepted, and we will post the complete list in the June eNewsletter.

The full schedule of events will be up on the forum website soon. Here's the basic schedule:
Wednesday, June 27: registration; 2-4 pm, Opening March; 6-10 pm, Opening Ceremony with welcome, purpose, speeches, performances.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday: Workshops. Every morning there will be a Opening Plenary at the Civic Center from 8:30-10 am; workshops from 10 am on; and an Evening Plenary at the Civic Center from 6 to 9 pm.
Sunday: July 1: People's Assembly to focus on next stages and building alliances, and Closing Plenary until 3 p.m.

Look for our Spring appeal letter, coming to you soon, and please respond generously to help us start a "growing season" of organizing, beginning at the US Social Forum. You may also make a secure donation online as well.

Colonel Ann Wright on Ending the War
Colonel Wright, who resigned from a 29-year career in the army to protest Bush's plans to attack Iraq, spoke in Fort Bragg, California on April 27, sponsored by the Alliance for Democracy. Her talk was inspiring and full of news about progress to end the war and throw the liars who dragged us into it out of office. She told everyone to keep the pressure on their Congressional representatives. They are listening and responding.
Thanks for all who helped produce the event, donated funds and attended.
Tom Wodetzki, Alliance for Democracy, Mendocino CA

To end the war and corporate rule, Col. Wright suggests:

  • E-mail or call your congressional delegation
  • If you want a topic investigated, contact House Oversight chief Henry Waxman
  • Come to Washington DC and lobby with us (contact Ann at
  • If you can't come to D.C., donate your frequent flier miles to someone who can. Groups like Codepink, Veterans for Peace, Military Families Speak Out, and Gold Star Families for Peace all have members with time, but no funds to get to DC

Pick a topic of concern and make it your personal focus by organizing panels about it, hearings, campaigns, signs, weekly vigils, etc. Possible topics: end war funding, stop torture, close Guantanamo, end extraordinary rendition, stop eavesdropping, prevent war against Iran, support military resisters, and impeachment.

The Alliance for Democracy asks you to seize this opportunity to really change America by taking more action. Get involved with local organizations, including your local Alliance chapter. Start a local AfD chapter. Begin with just one issue, but do pick one and start working on it!

Ohio Updates at AfD website
Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman of The Free Press write on the possibility that Karl Rove's missing e-mails may relate not just to the firing of eight federal prosecutors, but to vote manipulation in the Ohio presidential election. The same web-hosting firm that handled the Republican National Committee site also hosted former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell's official site, used to report the Ohio vote count. Could that have been where totals were cooked to hand the state and the election to Bush? Under whose order?

Thanks to a suit brought by Ohio civil rights activists, the ballots and other records from the election, which Blackwell sought to destroy, have been preserved. Fitrakis and Wasserman write that exhaustive recount could show who really did win the presidential election of 2004. And, they add, it may also be possible to learn what roles--electronic or otherwise--Karl Rove and J. Kenneth Blackwell really did play "during those crucial 90 minutes in the deep night, when the presidency somehow slipped from John Kerry to George W. Bush."

You can read about the missing emails, and other articles on the Ohio election and its aftermath, from links at the top of our website home page, .

Action Alerts: Urgent action needed
Don't be Fooled: "The Trade Deal" is a bad deal!
Activists who have worked for trade reform were shocked when last Thursday House Speaker Nancy Pelosi joined the White House and congressional Democrats and Republicans in charge of trade to announce a deal to facilitate passage of Bush's NAFTA expansions for Peru and Panama, a move that could lead to more bad trade deals passing soon.

According to Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch, this deal involves adding stronger labor and environmental standards to the Peru and Panama agreements, but falls way short of de-NAFTA-fying them by removing bans on anti-offshoring and Buy American policies, or the outrageous foreign investor rights that facilitate attacks on health and environmental laws.

Public Citizen says that if members of Congress are tricked into this deal it would pave the way for later passage of Colombian and South Korea trade agreements, and even Fast Track authority renewal.

This deal is already being applauded by corporate lobbyists, including the president of the US Chamber of Commerce, who said he is pleased that new labor provisions seem toothless. Unions, environmental groups, small businesses and most congress members were excluded from negotiations and had no notice on the deal, and the final text of the agreement is still being held secret.

Take action now: send a letter to your Representative and two Senators to voice your concerns at

Honest Election Campaign: Ask your senators to back S.1285
“We need to buy back our democracy by replacing special interest funded elections with publicly funded elections.” Thus did Senator Richard Durbin paraphrase President Teddy Roosevelt’s 1907 State of the Union address when he introduced the Fair Elections Now Act (S.1285) to the US senate in March. Senators Specter, Feingold and Obama are co-sponsors. (Listen to Sen. Durbin's speech on YouTube at ) A public funding proposal by Rep. John Tierney has also been presented to the House of Representatives (HR 1614).

Sen. Durbin noted that the average cost of running a Senate election went up 80% between 2002 and 2006. For the 10 most expensive races, costs averaged $34 million. Such spending is unsustainable, unfair and anti-democratic. The public is shut out and turned off when our political leaders are determined by big money special interests.

The Fair Elections Now Act would provide senatorial candidates limited public funds once they show wide public support by receiving a specific number of $5 contributions, based on state population. Candidates would also promise not to accept any private funds.

Ending the money chase means Senate candidates would belong to “We the People” and not to big money special interests. Programs in Arizona, Maine, and Portland OR already show that this legislation can work.

Please also ask that the bills be changed so that all political party candidates are treated equally. In the current bills, third and minor party candidates must meet a more difficult standard before receiving public funds. Such discrimination is unneeded and undemocratic.

Allied Actions:
Climate Crisis Coalition organizer says "Time Is Short"
Beginning in early September, Ted Glick writes, activists will undertake a weeks-long, water-only Climate Fast. He hopes many others will join the fast, either in Washington D.C. or in their home community or state capitol. If we're facing a planetary emergency, he writes, "our actions need to match that reality. We must drastically reduce emissions, enact a moratorium on any new coal plants, and provide at least $25 billion annually, for energy conservation, efficiencies, and clean and safe renewables."

The recent report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) targets a range of between 450 to 650 parts per million (ppm) of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases to stabilize the climate, even though some scientists say accepting anything higher than 400 ppm means a high risk of runaway global heating. And the current level of greenhouse gasses, using the IPCC's formula, is already 459 ppm. Read this and Glick's previous columns at , and contact him at

The Alliance for Democracy is a member of the Climate Crisis Coalition.

May 15: One-day "Gas Out"
There's some internet buzz for a one-day "gas out" on May 15. With a gallon of gas running $3 and way up, a one-day boycott could cost the oil companies almost $3 billion dollars.

Unfortunately, most of us will, at some point, need gas, so the oil companies will get that $3 billion sooner or later.
So don't fill up on the 15th. But don't stop there. We need grassroots advocacy for policies that will help get us off our oil addiction - funds for renewables, research, and public transportation at the federal level; and smart growth, planning and localized economies for our own towns and cities.

AfD's "Other Voices" media campaign recommends a DVD by Community Solutions, featuring a talk by Michael Shuman, author of Going Local, on the benefits of local economies versus globalization - a call for building alternatives to export-oriented and oil-hungry economies. For more information, e-mail the office

California Democrats Pass Impeachment Resolution
The California Democratic Party recently passed a resolution calling on Congress to use its subpoena power to investigate misdeeds of President Bush and Vice President Cheney and to hold the administration accountable "with appropriate remedies and punishment, including impeachment." For more info on the California vote, see

The California resolution is one of several calls for impeachment investigations, including the Vermont Senate's and Rep. Dennis Kucinich's introduction of Articles of Impeachment against Dick Cheney.

Now you can vote in a national poll on impeachment of Dick Cheney at . You can also send a message to Congress on impeachment as you vote.

Bring back COOL labels for informed consumer choice
Polls indicate that 80% of American consumers want to know where their food is coming from. Concerns over long distance food transportation, global warming, and recent pet food poisoning scandals have taken away many Americans' appetites for cheap imported foods. Shocked at media reports that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is inspecting approximately one percent of all imported food, consumers are demanding that Congress implement mandatory Country of Origin Labels (COOL) labels on food.

Federal farm policy theoretically requires Country of Origin Labeling for food. COOL was incorporated into the 2002 Farm Bill and was to go into effect in September 2004. But, corporate agribusiness, Wal-Mart, and the supermarket chains bribed an ethically-impaired Congress with millions of dollars to block implementation of COOL labels. As a result, Americans are buying billions of dollars of imported foods without knowing it.

To promote health and sustainability, and save North American family farms, we need to restore our right to know where our food is coming from. Tell Congress we want COOL "Country of Origin" labels for both conventional and organic food. For more info, see


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Six-year fight ends as OH Chamber of Commerce drops appeal

2006 closed with an AfD victory in the Ohio Court of Appeals, when the Ohio Chamber of Commerce dropped its appeal of a 2005 ruling that they had broken election laws by funding attack ads against a state supreme court judge.

AfD was the plaintiff in a suit brought by former Co-Chair Cliff Arnebeck alleging that ads run by the group “Citizens for a Strong Ohio” constituted an illegal attempt by the group’s backer, the Ohio Chamber of Commerce, to influence the election of Ohio state justice Alice Robie Resnick in 2000.

The court battle over the ads lasted six years, with the Chamber appealing a 2003 ruling by a county court requiring Citizens for a Strong Ohio to publicize the names of its donors, and a 2005 decision by the state’s Elections Commission ruling that the Chamber of Commerce had illegally taken sides in a political campaign. It was not until last month that the Chamber finally dropped its appeal, ending what the Cleveland Plain Dealer called "one of the most meanspirited election campaigns in Ohio history."