Health Care for California: Call today to support SB 810, the California Health Security Act, and come to Sacramento on June 29 for the hearing!
Thanks to tireless advocacy by people from across the state, SB 810, the California Health Security Act, will have a hearing on June 29 at 1:30 p.m. in the Assembly Health Committee Room 4202, at the Capitol.
Passage of the bill by Assembly Health is a first step through committees, to the Assembly Floor, and then to the Governor. Let's keep up the fight for health care legislation that will provide universal coverage, broaden benefits, and control costs. SB 810 eliminates health insurance companies in California and sets up a state-run California Healthcare System funded by the money currently going into the private system from federal and state budgets, employers, and tax-payers. SB 810 targets spending to where it's needed: doctors, clinics and other providers, and not to excess overhead and administrative costs. Need to learn more? Click here. And support SB 810 with one or both of these actions:
Call your Assembly member and say you want a Yes vote on SB 810. Voter pressure got the bill this far--let's keep it up until it's law! Please call, fax, write, or email your assembly member, especially if you can't attend the hearing. Get their contact information at
Attend the hearing. A big turnout is crucial to show the Assembly Health Committee and state government that SB 810 has the people's support. Buses and carpools are leaving from San Francisco, East Bay, Central Valley and Placer County--click here to connect with organizers.
Remember, one in five Californians have no health insurance at all. Fewer employers are providing coverage. Insurance premiums are rising four times as fast as wages. And even with the passage of the national health care bill, millions of Americans will still be uninsured, underinsured, or paying far too much of their incomes for coverage. SB 810 gives California an opportunity to show the country what real health insurance reform looks like. Call to support the bill, and join with others in Sacramento on June 29. Thank you!