Showing posts with label Kansas City. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kansas City. Show all posts

Monday, August 16, 2010

Monahans Rally in KC, Iowa events follow!

More than 100 people joined Laird and Robin Monahan for a rally in Kansas City on Monday, August 9th. The energetic and creative crowd at the downtown Plaza Fountain included a women's drum circle, singers, and speakers from the Green Party, AFSC, the local independent television station, and WILPF, who joined Laird at the podium.

As Marybeth Gardam wrote in this post on, "Laird and Robin are Vietnam vets up in arms about corporate interference in America’s democratic system," who, after the Citizens United decision, embarked on a cross country walk to educate and energize the people for a fight against corporate personhood.

Speaking to the rally, Laird cited the huge threat to democracy such unregulated gifts from huge corporations with unlimited wealth and power pose to our democracy and electoral system and implored the public to get involved--join Move To Amend and get busy working on this issue, so central to the success or failure of so many other issues.  Robin Monahan circulated throughout the crowd distributing literature and taking donations.

The Kansas City rally was followed by an event in Des Moines, organized by Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom, Iowa Move To Amend, MoveOn, and Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement. According to Marybeth, about 70 people turned out on one of the hottest days in memory, but, as she writes, "folks are angry, concerned and ready to pitch in and get engaged over this issue. It's the moment to strike while the iron is as hot as the weather!"

(In the photo, AfD member Ben Kjelshus at the rally. See more photos of the event by local photographer Eric Bowers, here.)