David Cobb of Move to Amend on tour in New England this fall
Move to Amend spokesperson David Cobb will be traveling through New England next month to build connections, inspire activism, and reveal the origins of corporate power in America.
David will be barnstorming through Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont if Move to Amend can find folks on the ground who are willing to help out. Here's how the tour looks now—no link means that volunteers are needed to organize in that area. Volunteers are welcome to get involved with turning out a good crowd for the three talks already scheduled in Massachusetts, too! Follow those links for contact info and get involved!
• September 21 - North Shore Community College
• September 22 - Cape Cod WILPF conference
• September 23 - Boston, Massachusetts
• September 24 - Portland, Maine
• September 25 - Manchester, New Hampshire
• September 26 - Burlington, Vermont
• September 27 - Rutland, Vermont
• September 28 to 30 - Northeast Grassroots Democracy Convergence! (mark your calendar! You will want to go to this!)
Can you volunteer? Move to Amend has media resources and other support materials to help you get started! Click here for details about how to be a Move to Amend Community Event Organizer. If you are interested please contact Alanna Stewart at barnstorming@movetoamend.org or (707) 269-0984.
David Cobb's presentations are part history lesson and part heart-felt call-to-action. "Challenging Corporate Rule & Creating Democracy" aims to help local folks understand how they can work to abolish corporate personhood and establish a government of, by, and for the people.
If you can't pitch in beforehand, please forward this email to friends, fellow activists, or organizations that might be able to help out.
Help bring Move to Amend and the constitutional amendment campaign to your community to grow the movement in your state! PS... For a preview of what you'll hear, check out David Delk's interview with David Cobb on the AfD Portland show Populist Dialogues. (You can show this interview on your local community access cable station. Email us afd@thealliancefordemocracy.org for more information!) Read more...