Showing posts with label Candidate Questions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Candidate Questions. Show all posts

Thursday, October 16, 2008

During the recess: tell Congress to stop casino economics




Members of Congress have left Washington for the campaign trail.

Now is the time to tell them you want strict regulation of Wall Street. No More Casino Economy! Like the $60 TRILLION in "credit default swaps" that are totally unregulated.

Congress must convene for a Lame Duck session in order to:

Create a Public Reconstruction and Development Bank to create jobs at home for the victims of the speculators by investing in

  • energy efficiency, public transportation and decentralized solar/wind to stop the climate melt down
  • our municipal water/sewer infrastructure to ensure safe, affordable drinking water for everyone
  • high quality public education for all

Finance the bank by

  • instituting a tax on all investment transactions including on “new financial products” such as the credit-default swaps
  • heavily taxing speculator profits
  • establishing progressive income and inheritance taxes
  • eliminating the tax preference for capital gains

And tell all candidates you want their pledge to:

  • Establish single payer health care to stop the hemorrhaging from unaffordable health care while private health insurers pocket the profits. Support HR 676, the United States National Health Insurance Act
  • Fully fund public radio and TV to eliminate all corporate sponsorship and ensure unbiased reporting
  • Stop the Casino Economy. There must be strict regulation for all of Wall Street, not just the banks. Congress must not allow risky transactions like the approximately $60 TRILLION in "credit default swaps" to remain unregulated.


Friday, September 26, 2008

Letter to Editor calls on you to speak out now

If you haven't called your legislators about the bailout, here's another voice urging you to do so, before it's too late. The following letter to the editor of the Norman (OK) Transcript is from Alliance for Democracy member Mary Francis:

Thank you for reprinting the editorial by the Chicago Sun-Time, “Protecting without eroding ideals.” Americans want those who profited from reckless finance speculation to pay for cleaning up the mess. At the very least we want re-regulation, oversight and transparency.

We the People have not even been told what the bailout will be used for. Many wonder if our interests are front and center and urge Congress to act with deliberation. This is not a time for panic.

It was heartening to read Senator Reid's statement to his constituents:

"While Senate Democrats know that we must address this crisis, they will not put a quick solution ahead of the right one. Reid is working to protect Nevadans by strengthening oversight so that there will be no blank check signed by Nevada taxpayers."

Any bailout must be structured so that it is transparent, includes checks and balances, requires that those who profited from reckless finance speculation pay for cleaning up the mess and that is part of the development of a new foundation for the American economy.

We have seen the spread of fear and panic before and it has never led to a good end. The military attack on Iraq was caused by a drum beat of war that included a massive misinformation campaign. Similarly, the Patriot Act, which has severely undermined civil liberties was passed without most members of Congress even reading it.

Our U.S. economy definitely needs revitalization. But, a mass bailout of the financial community must include both Congressional and Judicial oversight, as well as punishment of those responsible, while simultaneously creating regulations which provide structure for a new and honest economy.

Americans who want honest governance must insist on re-regulation, oversight and transparency. If there was ever a time to write or phone our Congress critters (Coburn, Cole, Inhofe as well as Pelosi and Reid), the time is now. Find them online at: or ask your local political party.

Mary Francis
Norman, OK


Third Party Candidates to Debate 'Real Priorities' at Vanderbilt University

Musician and Alliance for Democracy supporter Tom Neilson responded to the last e-news by pointing out that there are more than two candidates running for president, and more than one set of presidential debates. On Monday, October 6, the Presidential Candidates' Alternative Debate will take place at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. The October 6 debate is one day prior to a McCain/Obama debate at nearby Belmont University, from which al other candidates have been excluded.

Confirmed attendees include Brad Lyttle of the US Pacifist Party, Charles Jay of the Personal Choice Party, Frank McEnulty of the New American Independence Party and Brian Moore of the Socialist Party. Other candidates who have expressed interest in attending the debate include Gloria LaRiva of the Party for Socialism and Liberation and Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party.

Chris Lugo, of the Coalition for October Debate Alternatives, said that the Democratic and Republican candidates have also been invited to the event, but have not indicated an interest in attending, "We believe that voters should make a fully informed choice about whom they vote for and we do not believe this is possible if they are only hearing from the two major party
candidates. We have invited the Barack Obama and John McCain in the interest of fairness, but we are intending to highlight this alternative debate as the most egalitarian possible event by including all the candidates and promoting this as an event to which everyone is invited."

In addition to the candidates you can hear Tom at a Pre-Debates concert at 4 p.m. on Sunday, October 5 at the George W. Carver Food Park, and after a demonstration on Tuesday, October 7 from 4 to 7 p.m. at 21st Ave S and Blakemore, protesting Obama and McCain’s refusal to debate other candidates. The concert starts at 7:30.

For info, email Chris Lugo, at


Monday, September 8, 2008

Million Doors for Peace, September 20

On Saturday, September 20, join thousands of volunteers across the U.S. in knocking on a Million Doors for Peace. This national canvas is organized by United for Peace and Justice, US Action/True Majority, Win Without War, and other organizations, and it is hoped it will be the biggest peace action of 2008.

As a volunteer, you'll ask people to sign an antiwar petition directed to Congress. The message: End this immoral war, bring our troops home, and invest in America's future. In addition, we will encourage people to join local anti-war groups, engage in voter education work, and become a part of the organized antiwar movement in their area.

In order to reach a million people in a single day, we must organize at least 25,000 volunteers in all 50 states. Peace groups have never implemented such an elaborate communication and organizing plan before now, but with new and traditional communications tools available, we anticipate success with this groundbreaking, grassroots project. This project will not end on September 20, but it will be a new beginning of a more organized grassroots movement for peace and justice.

Training materials, petitions, local groups to canvass with in your area, and handouts will be provided. To find out more, or join the effort, click here.

And scroll down to the bottom of this page on the United for Peace site for info on candidate report cards--how does your member of Congress score on peace issues?


Saturday, February 9, 2008

Bird-dogging on corporate rule

Here's a list of questions for candidates, forwarded and adapted from the Program on Corporations, Law, and Democracy (POCLAD) and Northeast Ohio American Friends Service Committee (AFSC):

Friends of POCLAD,
Attached is a questionnaire developed by a member of our collective which addresses different dimensions of the same issue — citizens, not corporations, having the right to decide our lives, communities, nation and world.

While the survey was developed specifically to Ohio, it can easily be changed. Feel free to borrow, steal, amend or alter it to suit your needs for any election.

We feel it is a useful tool to educate others and to make the fundamental demand to Congressional candidates to increase the rights of people by eliminating the rights of business corporations.

If you circulate it to candidates and receive any responses, we’d love to know about it.

Directed to Candidates for Government Offices

1. Do you believe that business corporations should be allowed directly or through
corporate-sponsored Political Action Committees (PACs) to donate to or invest money in political candidates or issue campaigns? (Note: at one time in Ohio, they couldn't.) If not, what do you specifically plan to do about this if elected?

2. Do you believe that public officials should have the right to examine the financial books of business corporations (i.e. to prevent future Enrons and mortgage company collapses and/or to access the true profits of oil companies)? (Note: at one time in Ohio, they could.) If so, what do you specifically plan to do about this if elected?

3. Do you believe that business corporations should have the right to move toxic trash
into communities from another state if people in those communities don't want it? If not,
what do you specifically plan to do about this if elected?

4. Do you believe that people should have greater legal and constitutional rights than
business corporations? (Note: at one time in Ohio, they did). If so, what do you
specifically plan to do about this if elected?

5. Do you believe that the health care system in the United States should be patient-run /
doctor-run or run by insurance corporations? If the former, what do you specifically plan
to do about this if elected?

6. Do you believe that the public has ultimate control over the public airwaves rather than media corporations? If so, what do you specifically plan to do about this if elected?

7. Do you believe that the public or business corporations should be in charge of
electronic voting machines that are used in public elections? If the former, what do you
specifically plan to do about this if elected?

8. Do you believe the Iraqi people have a right to control their own oil reserves (and by extension the right to control their own nation), or that oil production and profit
decisions should be placed in the hands of US and other western oil corporations? If the
former, what do you specifically plan to do about this if elected?

9. Do you believe workers should have the right to free speech and free assembly
(contained in the First Amendment to the Bill of Rights in the US Constitution) on
corporate property? If so, what do you specifically plan to do about this if elected?

10. Do you believe the public has the right to know the ingredients of food they eat or
that business corporations have “Free Speech” rights to not publicly release the
ingredients of the food they produce? If the former, what do you specifically plan to do
about this if elected?

If you receive any replies, please mail them by February 29 to Northeast Ohio American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), 2101 Front St., #111, Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221, fax to 330-928-2628, or email to Thanks!


Monday, August 27, 2007

E-Newsletter, August 27, 2007

The Alliance for Democracy
E-Newsletter, August 27, 2007

To our members and supporters,
With the November elections only seven weeks away, this newsletter highlights "Questions for Candidates."

Multinational corporations exert enormous influence
over our elections, shaping the agenda and choices the candidates present to us,
and subsequently influencing the development of policies that impact every
aspect of our lives. What's more, the corporate media is no help in
educating voters to real alternatives that meet the needs of all people and
their communities.

So, this month we asked our chapters and council
members to send in the questions they'd like their candidates to
answer. See August's "Top-Ten"
list below.

Corporations are largely non-partisan when it comes to
buying and selling influence...and, so is our
resistance. We urge you to ask these questions of all candidates
running in your area, Democrat, Republican or third-party, liberal or
conservative. By asking questions, you and all of us help to set the
agenda, and by demanding answers we all assert that the options for
achieving a true peoples' democracy are much wider than what corporate America,
their candidates and the corporate media want us to believe.

Because campaigning heats up after Labor Day, we'll have a
new set of questions in the September eNews. What questions are you asking? Let
us know at with
"Candidate Questions" in the subject line.

In this Issue:

Election-Season Actions:

  • Questions for Candidates
  • Climate Crisis Actions--Katrina Anniversary
    Action at NOAA and Climate Crisis Platform for Candidates

  • Voter's Pledge--Build a Base Against War

Alliance News

  • State Vote on Campaign Finance Limits in Oregon
  • Water Work--Defending Water for Life Campaign in New England
  • AfD at the Maine Social Forum
  • Ohio Update
  • By-law Change Ballot
  • A Note from the Office

"Ask the Candidates"--Top Ten from AfD Members

Some questions below refer to issues before
candidates for federal office only. But as Congress drops the ball on
issues like fair trade, minimum wage, climate change, health care and election
reform, we're seeing more and more state-level, and even local candidates,
stepping in with proposals for change and new solutions--a development to

  1. Do you suppport the immediate withdrawal of US
    troops from Iraq? If not, what kind of timeframe would you support for

  2. In 2000 and 2004 we saw specific,
    documented violations of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, but two US
    Attorneys General have taken no action to enforce the law. What would you do
    to ensure that the Justice Department enforces the Voting Rights Act, now

  3. We're simultaneously suffering from an energy
    crisis and from the effects of global warming. How would you support the
    development of sustainable energy sources? Would you vote for a fund to help
    homeowners and businesses invest in sustainable energy generation? How would
    you lessen the environmental impact of our energy use? Shouldn't the US sign
    on to the Kyoto Protocol on Global Warming? As an office holder, how would you
    help make the US a signatory?

  4. The US is becoming a nation of haves and
    have-nots. How will you change this? Would you tie the minimum wage to
    cost of living, with automatic increases? What about progressive income taxes,
    like we had in the 1950s? What will you do to contain the wages and benefits
    packages of top executives while at the same time increasing the real
    earnings, wages, benefits, and pensions of workers?

  5. To restore Congress's role in writing fair trade
    legislation that promotes labor rights, health, and the environment, will
    you vote against renewal of presidential "fast track" trade promotion
    authority, which comes up in Spring, 2007? How will you support fair trade
    policies over the kind of "free trade" agreements that enrich multinational
    corporations at the cost of local economies and local democratic
    sovereignty and control?

  6. Big-money corporate donations have distorted
    our election process. What would you do to make candidates more responsive to
    the public? What about public campaign funding? Would you support ending
    the "personhood" of corporations, a legal fiction that has led courts to
    defend out-of-control corporate campaign contributions as a form of "free

  7. What is your position on safeguarding
    the accuracy of our elections, especially with the use of electronic
    voting machines? Would you support mandatory printed paper audit trails for
    all ballots cast on DRE touch-screen machines? Would you support broad-based,
    mandatory, random election audits based on proven statistically significant
    samples? What about mandatory manual recounts of any election decided by less
    than 5% of the votes cast? Do you support changes in law to make electronic
    voting machine computer source code public, rather than a protected "trade

  8. Would you vote to end "Star Wars" missile defense
    If so, to what purpose would you redirect those tax dollars
    from military to domestic needs?

  9. Do you think that the United States is an
    imperial power? Why or why not? If you think America is or is becoming an
    empire, what would you do about it?

  10. If the Democrats gain control of the House, would
    you support impeachment proceedings against the president and vice president?

Climate Crisis Actions--Katrina Anniversary Action at NOAA and Climate Crisis
Platform for Candidates

Scientists agree that the excessive use of fossil fuels is
changing the climate on Earth. When those changes take place faster than species
can adapt, the result is disease and extinction--and it is happening now at a
rate faster than at any other time in human history.

Don't believe the energy industry hype--more carbon in the
atmosphere won't perk up trees or make for pleasantly warmer winters. Even a
rise of 2 or 3 degrees will have dramatic effects on life as we know it. We need
to act now to avert dangerous rises in sea level, severe storms and droughts,
increased threat to human life from the spread of disease-carrying insects and
rodents, damage to fragile ecosystems, and disruption of agriculture around the

If you are sick of government indifference to global warming and its effects, then we urge you to support the two actions
below. AfD is a member of this coalition, represented by Co-Chair Nancy Price:

  • On August 26, gather from 12 noon to 3 p.m. in front of
    the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) headquarters, 1305
    East-West Highway at the Silver Spring Metro stop. The US Climate Emergency
    Council (USCEC) is organizing this demonstration to
    mark the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.

A year after Katrina, hundreds of people are still
missing, and thousands have been displaced. Meanwhile, NOAA's leadership
is ignoring or distorting the growing number of studies linking major
hurricanes to global warming. This is in direct violation of their mission to
warn the nation about dangerous weather and to improve our understanding and
stewardship of the environment. Their disregard for scientific evidence places
all of us and our communities at risk.

Now is the time to get busy and organize a local
climate action network. There are 10 steps on USCEC's website at

  • Support the call for 2006 congressional candidates
    to support the following measures:
    1. Enact the McCain-Lieberman "Climate Stewardship Act"
      (without a nuclear provision) as a first step to reduce carbon dioxide

    2. Withdraw federal subsidies (currently estimated at
      around $25 billion a year) from coal, oil, and natural gas development, as
      well as from carbon-intensive agriculture--and establish equivalent
      subsidies to jump-start a renewable energy economy based on wind, solar,
      tidal power, biomass, small-scale hydropower, and other non-nuclear,
      sustainable energy technologies.

    3. Promote the People's Ratification of the Kyoto
      Protocol--the Kyoto Global Warming Treaty. You can sign electronically, and
      also print the petition at to gather
      signatures. Let's lead the way for a post-2012 framework to transition
      away from fossil fuels to clean energy technologies

Alliance News

State Vote on Campaign Finance Limits on Oregon

The AfD Portland chapter celebrates the successful
conclusion of the first phase for adopting limitations on campaign contributions
and expenditures in Oregon. That first phase was the gathering of signatures to
place two initiatives on the November ballot. Word came from the Oregon
Secretary of State's office August 7th that both measures would be on the
November ballot. Yes!

Oregon is one of five states with no limitations on campaign
contributions or expenditures. Therefore, special interests, primarily
corporate, rule in the state and have long threatened democratic

There are two measures because the Oregon Supreme Court in
1997 ruled that our CFR law was unconstitutional and that any limit would be an
unconstitutional infringement on free speech. This is the only court in America
to have so ruled. Therefore, the first measure changes the constitution to allow

The second measure is a statute with the limits, including a
ban on all corporate and union contributions, limits on individual
contributions, and limits on independent expenditures. Provisions are included
requiring timely reporting of candidate contributions and expenditures and
timely disclosure of same by the Secretary of State to the public. Provisions
are included allowing the formation of small donor committees (SDC) to which
individuals could contribute up to $50 per SDC. Membership organizations (Sierra
Club, or labor unions, for instance) could contribute up to $50 per member to a
SDC. SDCs could spend their funds on candidate elections in any manner they

Now the second phase begins--getting the measures passed.
Planning the campaign is underway. For details of the measures and the campaign,
visit, or

Contributions are being accepted to fund the campaign
activities. To donate, visit the FairElectionsOregon website at

--David e. Delk, AfD Vice Co-Chair and chief
petitioner on the constitutional amendment

Water Work--Defending Water for Life Campaign in New England

Kate Harris has begun working with AfD to coordinate the
Defending Water for Life campaign in Maine. The campaign was publicly launched
at the Maine Social Forum (see article below), where a track was offered on
water privatization and Ruth Caplan did a trade workshop and spoke to a plenary

Screenings of "Thirst" are being scheduled where people have
expressed an interest. Please visit the campaign website at, or contact Kate at,
or 207-470-7479.

And in other news, the New England campaign will soon have
water privatization sites in New England and New York posted on a map available
on the internet. Stay tuned--we will let you know when it's up. And please
register for the "Our Communities, Our Water" conference September 22 to 24 at
the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. AfD is helping to organize this
conference, which will connect global and local water protection/privatization
issues for activists and concerned citizens in New York, New England and eastern

Keynote speaker for the event will be Francis Moore Lappe,
author of the recently-published Democracy's Edge, and the classic
Diet for a Small Planet, which has introduced millions of households to
the social forces shaping global hunger and our responsibility to use our
everyday choices to create a better world. Democracy's
explores a concept Lappe calls "living democracy" and
profiles many organizations (including AfD) that are bringing it into practice.

For more info on conference, go to

--Ruth Caplan, national campaign coordinator,
"Defending Water for Life" campaign

AfD at the Maine Social Forum

The Alliance for Democracy made a fine showing at the
first-ever Maine Social Forum, held in Lewiston July 28 - 30. In addition to the
water track (see above) we offered a workshop entitled "If Corporations Are
Persons, Why Can't We Try Them for Murder?", which was well-attended and
explored ideas about educating the people of Maine about the corporate
personhood issue. We would like Maine to be the first state to pass some kind of
legislation denying personhood to corporations in the state. One person in the
group suggested making it an amendment to the state constitution.

Ruth Caplan was one of those selected to be a convocation
(plenary) speaker. She provided an excellent overview of water issues facing the
state, so those who could not attend the workshops got a good picture of what
Maine faces in terms of fighting to protect its water resources and public water

AfD also had a presence in other programs. During the
"Neoliberalism and the Commons" workshop, many people expressed an interest in
the Tapestry of the Commons workshop (see
In a program on counter-recruitment the American Friends Service Committee
expressed interest in using Boston/Cambridge Alliance chapter facilitator David
Lewit's Gandhi Circles in their programs planned for September 11. This kind of
networking, which is what the social forums are really all about, occurred over
and over for the groups that attended. This is what made the weekend such a

--Bonnie Preston, Downeast Maine

Ohio Update

Preparations are proceeding for "Tune In, Tune-up, and Turn
Out--A Voting Rights Revival", a conference to be held the weekend of October 13
through 15 at Columbus State Community College, Columbus, Ohio.

David Korten will be speaking and talking with the audience
about his latest book, The Great Turning, on Friday night. Ronnie
Dugger will share his latest insights and visions for the future of our
democracy. Doris "Granny D" Haddock will speak on the American town hall, and
Greg Moore, Director of the DNC Voting Rights Institute, the most important
civil rights leader in the country today, will discuss all the efforts going
made to protect civil rights in America. The conference will have the use of six
seminar rooms, and an auditorium that seats 400 people so that there will be
plenty of room for workshops and speakers, and opportunities for activists to
network among the large number of Ohio-based and national organizations that are
regularly coordinating their efforts in Ohio and national coalitions.

We have just initiated a "Save the Ballots" website ( for the purpose
of building public support for the preservation of the voting records from the
2004 election, which without public intervention, appear likely to be destroyed
on September 3, 2006. According to, when the ballots for
suspect counties were examined this spring--for the first time--examiners found
evidence of ballot-box stuffing and official precinct results that were off by
hundreds of votes. The ballots are "the smoking gun" to explain what happened in
Ohio. And even though they weren't made public until earlier this
year, they can be legally destroyed after September 2. Go to the
website and e-mail to
find out more about this initiative.

In the meantime, investigations by grassroots professionals
and volunteers under the auspices of the Free Press and Ohio Honest Elections
continue to gather important information in regard to how the 2004 election was

--Cliff Arnebeck, AfD Co-Chair

By-Law Change Ballot

Our national office recently mailed out a ballot for some
important by-law changes to our current members. Please mark and mail your
ballot so that we receive it in the office by August 31. And thanks for voting.
Please contact the office if you have any questions at,
or 781-894-1179.

Membership Committee

The AfD membership committee has created a task force headed
by council members Jean Maryborn (;
208-263-2658) and Rick LaMonica (,
314-962-9843), charged with improving communication between members and both the
national council (board) and national office. We hope to organize a lapsed
member phone call renewal campaign and strengthen chapter and regional
activities to recruit new Alliance members. We also want to expand the AfD
website with frequent updates on current activities of campaigns and chapters.
Any member that wants to assist on this project should contact either Jean or

--Rick LaMonica, St. Louis MO AfD

A Note from the Office

Our national office has extra copies of the summer issue of
YES! magazine, which explores the idea of empire through the past 5000 years of
history with articles by David Korten, John Mohawk, and Dale Wen among
others. We will be happy to mail you a copy but would appreciate a donation
to cover postage (sending 5 or 6 .39 stamps would be most