Showing posts with label Iran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iran. Show all posts

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Be nice to America. Or we'll bring democracy to your country!

The business of America is business, and that includes overturning democratically elected governments, assassination, and military invasion at a level unmatched in history, all in the name of cake for the elite and crumbs for the rest of us.

Video by William Blum and Charles Mauch, animated by Neema Sky, and based on Rogue State and Killing Hope, both by William Blum.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Almost free stuff!

We are moving from one office to another down the hall, and we're looking to clean out some cabinets and shelves. We have spare copies of the following books, so if you would like one, please email us at

All we ask is that you refund us the cost of mailing your book to you. We're sending the books media mail; they usually arrive in a week.

Please put "book request" in the subject line of your email. One book per person, please, except as noted below:

We have:
Imperial Overstretch: George W. Bush and the Hubris of Empire, by Roger Burbach and Jim Tarbell. Zed Books, 2004. The politics and attitudes that drew this country into two seemingly endless wars, and a good review as a new administration commits itself to some of the faults of the old. "Essential reading for those wishing to understand the rise of the neo-cons," says Medea Benjamin. Some copies have faded covers.

The Populist Moment: A Short History of the Agrarian Revolt in America, by Lawrence Goodwyn. Oxford University Press, 1978. The condensed version of Goodwyn's definitive history of American populism's rise, ebb, weaknesses, and strengths. Goodwyn's focus on what was new about the Populists' thinking, speech, and organizing makes this still-relevant reading for activists today. A classic.

The People's Business: Controlling Corporations and Restoring Democracy, by Lee Drutman and Charlie Cray. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2004. The report of the Citizen Works Corporate Reform Commission. An outline of corporist practice and its social failings, this book considers a range of options for controlling corporate power. With a foreword by Ralph Nader. Some copies signed by Charlie Cray. Some have scuffed covers.

The Great Limbaugh Con, and Other Right-Wing Assaults on Common Sense, by Charles M. Kelly. Fithian Press, 1994. Rush Limbaugh has been around for a long time, and he's spawned imitators who run the gamut from pseudo-intellectual to outright delusional. Give a copy of this book to anyone who describes himself as a populist but insists Limbaugh's free speech rights were abrogated when he wasn't allowed to be part-owner of the Rams.

Addicted to War: Why the US Can't Kick Militarism. An illustrated exposé by Joel Andreas. An accessible guide to the social harms caused by bloated defense budgets and disdain for diplomacy. Great for middle and high schoolers who like alternative history and/or who are considering enlisting. We have a few dozen copies on hand, so if you would like a few extra, please contact the office and we can negotiate an appropriate donation.


Monday, July 13, 2009

United for Peace with Justice asks for action to prevent escalation of US-Iranian conflict

The violent suppression of election protests by the current Iranian government should not be used as an excuse for cancelling direct talks between the US and Iraq. The official White House position supports these talks, and United for Peace with Justice asks that you call and sign an on-line petition to keep communication on track and to emphasize the protesters' calls for non-interference in Iran's internal affairs.

1] Call the White House at 202-456-1111 and let it know that you want Obama to stick to his promise of direct talks with Iran.

2] Sign-on to Just Foreign Policy's petition to President Obama, which urges him to keep to the principle of non-interference in Iran's internal affairs.

And to show solidarity with the people of Iran and their elementary right to protest their government's actions, UFPJ urges supporters to join up with the non-partisan United For Iran Global Day of Action, for a national rally July 25--check the website to see if there is an action near you. (Blog editor's note: The web address is, but we couldn't access the page today.)


Monday, July 28, 2008

August 2 events protest possible war with Iran

Events are being planned nationwide for August 2 to protest possible military action against Iran, including a major march in New York City starting from Times Square at noon. For information, background, and to sign an online petition go to


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Days of Action against war with Iran

From United for Peace:
Responding to the renewed threats of a U.S./Israeli attack on Iran before President Bush leaves office, United for Peace and Justice calls for coordinated Days of Action across the United States on July 19-21. Now is the time to speak out against any U.S./Israeli military attack on Iran.

U.S. officials say Israel is mounting a "full court press" to get the Bush administration to strike Iran's nuclear complex, CBS News reports. In The New Yorker, Seymour Hersh reports that congressional leaders agreed last year to fund a major escalation of covert operations against Iran. New York Newsday and the Seattle-Post Intelligencer warn that Congress is considering a resolution promoted by AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) that would effectively endorse a naval blockade of Iran, an act of war.

Voices in the U.S. calling for real diplomacy and negotiations with Iran are being silenced. Few people in this country know Iran has an offer on the table for comprehensive negotiations with the United States that could resolve the nuclear stand-off and other issues. Nor do they know that talks with Iran without preconditions are supported by independent experts like Thomas Pickering, the U.S. Ambassador to the UN during the first Bush administration.

To counter the renewed threats of military action, we are calling for National Days of Coordinated Action against war with Iran on July 19-21, including:

call-ins and letter-writing to Washington and local congressional offices;
lobbying in Washington and at local congressional offices;
demonstrations at congressional offices, federal buildings, Israeli consulates or other sites chosen by local organizers (check our calendar in the coming days for details about events near you).

Click here to list your organization's national or local event as part of these National Days of Action (please be sure to choose "No War on Iran" as your event type).

Click "read more" for resources and and research.
Averting a War with Iran: Research and Resources

The Time to Stop a War on Iran Is NOW!
Various actions people/groups can take to prevent a war with Iran

National Iranian American Council:
Update: Is a New Congressional Resolution Declaring War with Iran?
Gallup poll confirms majority of Americans favor diplomacy with Iran

Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran:

Iranians Float an Offer the West Should Not Refuse: Will Anti-War Forces Seize this Opportunity?
U.S. Mayors Mobilizing Against a War with Iran

Pysicians for Social Responsibility:
Medical Consequences of a Nuclear Attack on Iran-Fact Sheet
War Is Not the Answer with Iran

Iran Nuclear Watch
Links, blogs, and informative articles

The Center for Arms Control and Nuclear Non-Proliferation
o Background on Iran-US nuclear relationship
o Iran's nuclear timeline
o Their policy statement on Iran's nuclear issue
o Center for a New American Security, "Diplomatic Strategies for Dealing with Iran: Where Are We? How Did We Get to This Point? And What Should We Do Now?" released March 2008

Peace Action
National campaign to prevent a war with Iran
Fact Sheet on Iran
History of US interactions with Iran

Iran Coverage
Tehran's reaction to Military Threats

Scott Ritter
Iraq Will Have to Wait: Get Ready for the War Against Iran

William Polk
Moves toward War with Iran: How to Prevent War ... Part 4


Monday, April 16, 2007

e-newsletter, April 16, 2007

The Alliance for Democracy
e-newsletter, April 16, 2007

In this Issue:

  • Convention scheduled for Tucson this November--save the dates!
  • Capital District (NY) chapter works for Clean Elections
  • Another change needed to HR811
  • Action Alerts: Iran, Fast Track, Impeachment

Announcing the 2007 Alliance for Democracy national convention
Save the dates--mark your calendar: November 1-4, Tucson, Arizona

Details in a separate email announcement—events include a get-together, workshops on building and strengthening AfD, leadership training, discussion of campaigns and movement building “in alliance” with other groups.

Watch the website and these email newsletters for updates as we build for this great event!

Capital District (NY) chapter works for Clean Elections
by Ethel Silverberg, Capital District AfD

Closing loopholes is easy compared to reforming the campaign system in New York State. But the Alliance for Democracy has joined with Citizen Action New York to do just that.

The Alliance for Democracy Capital District chapter and Citizen Action are encouraging the New York State Assembly to support full public funding of elections, known as Clean Money Clean Elections reform. AfD members across the state are being contacted and asked to write or call their state legislators on this issue.

While New York passes a partial public financing bill every year, that legislation doesn't go far enough to get big money out of politics. While this year’s partial public funding bill has already been introduced, a bill supporting full public funding will be filed later this month, and this is what we’re asking Assembly members to approve.

The New York State legislature has been called the most dysfunctional legislative body in the country. It’s said that money flows into campaigns like water into a sewer. Fundraisers are held in Albany, the capital, hundreds of miles from some legislators' home districts. Constituents don't attend these parties; they're not invited. The guest list is drawn from the list of lobbyists registered with New York State, who come with bags of money, attending as many as three to five events in one night. "Hello, I'm here, nice to see you, goodbye." Admission to these soirees costs hundreds of dollars, and is only one part of what in Albany is called "dialing for dollars."

As the Alliance is committed to getting money out of politics, here's the chance for reform. If you're from New York, call your state legislator--he or she needs to hear from you. And, if you have friends or family in New York, forward this newsletter to them and urge them to make the call, too.

Another change needed to Holt Bill, HR811

HR811, or the Holt Bill, will receive its final House markup when the House reconvenes on Monday, April 16. Prior to Congress’s Spring Break we stopped H.R. 811 from coming to the floor for a vote. Now we must to the same again: Call and fax your congressional member now.

Now another amendment to the Holt Bill is urgently needed to protect the right of voters to sue if they believe their rights have been violated. Here’s a summary of the argument.

Pending Election Reform in Congress Doesn't Give Citizens Right to Sue

Should citizens explicitly be allowed to sue if they can prove their votes have been stolen or miscounted by electronic voting machines? This right, a cornerstone of the federal Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act, is missing from HR811, the Holt Amendment to the Help America Vote Act. Instead, the bill says citizens can sue under other laws.

Our elections are run at the county level, with administrators seeking to retain considerable autonomy over the process. They don't want to deal with lawsuits. But voting rights campaigners know that without the right to use, otherwise known as "private cause of action", thousands of what Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr has described as "separate and unequal" jurisdictions will be even less free and fair.

Suits filed in Ohio after the 2004 elections using the Voting Rights Act's private cause of action have had dramatic results. But they would not have been helped by the most recent version of HR811.

The right of individuals to seek legal redress is one more safeguard in an increasingly automated election environment. That's why there should be a new and explicit private cause of action in HR811, especially as many people predict the bill that will come out of the House will not ban electronic voting machines, but instead seek to regulate this divisive new technology.

The full story by Steven Rosenfeld is available at

Allied Actions
Iran: Back the Webb Amendment:
A few days before Good Friday, some US and Russian media reported that US forces are in position to deliver aerial attacks against Iran and its nuclear infrastructure.

Senator Jim Webb of Virginia has introduced an amendment, S.759, to the Iraq supplemental spending bill that would reintroduce language stripped from the bill to bar funds from being used to attach Iran, and require the President to get Congressional authorization before ordering an attack. The bill has no co-sponsors yet.

Please contact your Senator and urge support the Webb amendment. Speak out against the dangers of another preemptive war. Read the talking points by Phyllis Bennis, Transnational Institute and Institute for Policy Studies, on the United for Peace website (

AfD chapters and national sign on to Fair Trade campaign: The Alliance for Democracy national organization, and chapters in Oregon, Maine, California, and Indiana have joined 713 organizations in signing a letter drafted by Public Citizen urging the Democratic leadership in Congress to not bring forward legislation for renewal of Trade Promotion Authority ( “Fast Track”). You may read the letter at

Fast Track gives presidents enormous authority over trade agreements and bans Congress from amending them. It spawned NAFTA, CAFTA and the WTO. Fast Track authority expires June 30, and even though the current Congress leans more toward fair trade than before, we need to organize to make sure we overcome the corporate money and influence that wants this measure renewed. The time to weigh in is now.

National groups push impeachment events: (Remember -- public pressure led to the impeachment of Nixon.) More than 25 groups have endorsed a Spring 2007 Impeach Bush and Cheney drive. Highlights include:

  • A corporate shopping boycott. Between now and April 22 (Earth Day) more than 1,000 groups worldwide are asking members to forgo major purchases. Walk pass corporate chain stores and malls, and go to your local markets, restaurants and second hand shops. Visit for more info
  • The Show it Off! Campaign runs from April 23-27. Wear your pro-impeachment T-shirts, hats, buttons, or what-have-you to build public support for impeachment. Info and some apparel available at
  • On April 28, a coalition of groups are sponsoring a national day of action for impeachment. Info on joining and supporting local actions at
  • Join The Million Phone March phone-in to Congress campaign at