The Alliance for Democracy
E-News - September 5, 2007
Dear members and supporters,
This month’s newsletter features a new “Speak Out” section to bring recent news and commentary—underreported in the mainstream media— to your attention so you may write a letter to the editor to inform your community. Please also forward this newsletter to your lists!
We'd like to hear what you have to say too. Let us know when your letters are published. (It was great to hear from so many people calling, writing, or even visiting with congress members in response to our alert on Presidential Executive Order 13438, “Blocking Property of Certain Persons Who Threaten Stabilization Efforts in Iraq.” Thank you!)
AfD E-news now on-line!
Back issues of the Alliance for Democracy e-news are now available online—if you’re a recent subscriber or missed a few issues check out There’s also a topic index to help you with back-issues searches.
Chapter and National News:
- Convention invitations are in the mail!
- Start democratic home rule—resist presidential orders
- South Puget Sound Alliance for Democracy promotes public campaign financing
- Indiana AfD hosts campaign finance reform forum
Action Alerts/Calendar: - Thursday, September 6: Congressional call-in day on Iraq war
- Saturday, September 15: Impeach Bush and Cheney/End the War
- September 22-29, Washington DC and Los Angeles: Occupy the Occupiers!
Speak out:
- Will increased airstrikes and private soldiers lead to war in Iran?
News from our allies:
- Yes! magazine features articles, resources on ending corporate power
Chapter and National News:
Convention invitations are in the mail!
Members, an info packet on AfD’s 7th National Convention is in the mail - or has already arrived in your mailbox!
We are very excited about the program planned for November 1-4 in Tucson, and hope you will be there with us. We also hope many AfD activists will attend the Democracy School that precedes the convention, or can stay for the BorderLinks trip taking place after
Register Now! The “Early Bird” Special $60.00 registration is good until Sept. 30—and then make your plane reservations for the cheapest flight possible. See you there!
If you can't attend the convention, please consider supporting this event with a donation, or by renewing your AfD membership. Check the expiration date on your mailing label and renew on the registration form, or online .
If you subscribe to this newsletter, but aren't an AfD member, see our website for info or contact the office for a copy of the brochure.
Start democratic home rule—resist presidential orders
Dave Lewit and others of the Boston/Cambridge Alliance have developed a "Democracy Protection Kit"—a set of questions and articles for activists to engage local government and law enforcement officials about what steps they might take to implement or resist in response to a crackdown on civil liberties by the federal government. How will local officials weigh demands from federal agencies versus protecting the demands and rights of local people and their communities?
An out-of-control executive could conceivably use the Patriot Act, as well as recent Executive Orders to arrest or seize assets of anyone critical of White House policy. And a little-noted provision of the recently passed Defense Authorization Act allows President Bush to send the military to police any trouble spot in this country regardless of the wishes of state governors. This change to the Insurrection act has been criticized by, among others, Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT), who sees a potential threat to the Constitution, and to local and state sovereignty. (read the story here )
It's urgent to start talking now with local officials about protecting our people, our rights, and our resources. Expand into active community debate. Pilot projects are under way in Boston MA, Taunton MA, Ipswich MA, and Sandpoint ID. Add your community.
The Democracy Protection Kit contains model letters and interview questions, pertinent articles on federal-local cooperation, the potential for a coup, and text of two recent executive orders—for volunteers (AfD'ers and allied groups—civic, college, church, labor, etc.) to use in conducting interviews and publicizing the results, in order to develop resistance to unwarranted federal demands. For a copy of the materials, download from or contact the office via e-mail or phone at 781-894-1179.
South Puget Sound Alliance for Democracy promotes public campaign financing
South Puget Sound AfD is working with Washington Public Campaigns to build support for public campaign financing, urging members and supporters to help with pledge gathering from candidates and office holders, and to collect signatures on a citizen petitions. For AfD members in Washington state who want more information or to volunteer for a number of needed jobs, e-mail Chapter Chair Jacqui Brown Miller at
A fall educational event may be in the works as well.
And you can see the Reclaiming Democracy TV show on the web, at If you’re in Thurston County, watch it on TCTV, Channel 22, Mondays and Fridays at 6 p.m.
Indiana AfD hosts state-wide campaign finance reform forum
AfDers in the Mid-West - Don't forget to register by September 14 for this event organized by Chapter Chairs Stevie and Jack Miller and with Doris “Granny D” Haddock as distinguished guest speaker. For information and to register go to and click on the “more information” link under the notice on our home page.
The people are getting behind public funding! A bipartisan survey conducted this summer by Lake Research Partners and Bellwether Research found the following:
· Three out of four voters support a voluntary system of publicly funded campaigns, including federal elections.
· Support is bipartisan, with 80% of Democrats, 78% of independent/unenrolled and 65% of Republicans in favor.
· Voters look favorably on candidates who follow “clean election” guidelines, and would consider crossing party lines to vote for them.
· Voters believe publicly funded campaigns will help candidates win on ideas, not on bankrolls, and increase accountability to the public over corporate donors. They also believe it will allow regular citizens with good ideas to campaign for office, rather than just the very well-to-do.
Action Alerts/Calendar:
Thursday, September 6: Tell Congress to End the War in Iraq
Let’s welcome Congress back to work with a national call-in on Thursday, September 6, sponsored by United for Peace with Justice and its member groups, including the Alliance for Democracy. Call the Capitol Hill Switchboard at 202-224-3121.
This month, Congress votes on Bush’s request for about $190 billion in war funds. Remind your congress member that s/he doesn't have to pay for war. Congress doesn't even have to vote. And if they do, they can add restrictions, timelines, or other conditions to bring this war to an end. Want more information? See the UFPJ site .
September 15, Washington DC: March to Impeach Bush and Cheney and End the War
September 15th is the expected date of Gen. David Petraeus’s progress report on the Iraq troop surge. The march takes advantage of the media spotlight to demand impeachment and peace. Local actions are being planned across the country. For info, see To get your own “Impeach Cheney?” cap, see Pick out the question mark to make a statement, leave it in to see what others think!
September 22-29, Washington DC and Los Angeles: Occupy the Occupiers!
Defend our rights! Don't let the government silence antiwar protest!
September 22 through 29: Encampment in front of Congress to STOP the war—parallel encampment in Los Angeles
September 29: National March on Washington and Demo in Los Angeles.
75+ Organizing Centers in 32 States - find one near you! 100 buses.
More than 1600 Endorsers – find a bus, an organizing center or a sponsoring group at
Speak Out Now!
Will increased airstrikes and private soldiers lead to war in Iran?
The escalation of air strikes in Iraq with deadly consequences for civilians is occurring, but hardly reported in the U.S. Is Iran in the bombsights as well?
In the last seven months there has been a 500% increase in the volume of air attacks in Iraq. And in July, the Associated Press reported the Air Force has increased their inventory of attack and reconnaissance planes, and brought the B1-B bomber, capable of carrying 24 tons of bombs, back to Iraq. According to Iraq Body Count, more air attacks may have led to an increase in Iraqi civilian casualties—about 50 such deaths per month. (Read the AP story here)
Equally troubling, this air power can be turned on Iran, should Bush and Cheney find a good reason for a pre-emptive attack (via a false-flag operation?) writes Bernard Weiner in The Crisis Papers. According to Weiner, “former Middle East CIA specialist Bob Baer says senior intelligence officials told him recently that CheneyBush are likely to attack Iran within six months.” (read the story here)
If they attack, Weiner adds, they won't just have official US troops at their disposal, but 60,000 to 100,000 “independent contractors,” some of which are private security forces. These include the notorious Blackwater corporation, which is reportedly buying combat aircraft.
The harms of outsourcing military and intelligence operations are incalculable, writes Weiner. “These mercenaries swear allegiance to their employer, not to the rule of law, not to any constitution. The catastrophic damage done to democracy by the existence, and power, of these private forces can't be overstated.”
If this Speak Out Now! feature inspires you to “speak out,” please write a “Letter to the Editor” and e-mail a copy to the office. From the escalation of air strikes on Iraq and the US’s responsibility to account for civilian casualties to the need to stop a a pre-emptive attack on Iran and prevent the spread of war throughtout the Middle East, to exposing the use of private “mercenaries” in war and war profiteering – there’s plenty to write about! Choose a topic and write a short and cogent letter. Now’s the time to prove that the pen is mightier than the sword!
News from our allies:
Yes! magazine features articles, resources on ending corporate power
This month’s YES! Magazine urges you to “Stand Up to Corporate Power” with a great selection of articles focusing on corporate rule. Check it out online at to read some of the articles and request a free copy. You can also request free copies of the magazine for your organization.
Don't miss Doug Pibel on community-based democracy initiatives, including the water and anti-corporate personhood statute passed by Barnstead, New Hampshire with the help of Ruth Caplan, of AfD’s Defending Water for Life campaign, and Barnstead resident Gail Darnell, now AfD campaign coordinator for New Hampshire.
Other articles focus on anti-corporate activists, progressive companies, new ways to think about the corporation, and ways of educating your community about corporate power and personhood, including links to movies and a variety of national and grassroots organizations.