Busy summer for Monterey County AfD
Monterey County Alliance for Democracy didn't take much time off this summer. At the end of June, they organized a CommUnity Rally, which brought more than seventy people out to meet with organizations in the area that challenge corporate power in various ways. The event featured speakers, a vigil featuring a corporate Frankenstein which got a lot of attention from passers-by, and a potluck. It was a good opportunity for like minded people to network and find out what others were doing, said chapter organizer Susan Hubbard.
The chapter also joined with the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom to march in the Monterey 4th July parade. The theme of their entry was "exercise your freedom" so marchers wore exercise clothes and had signs about our freedoms, adding, of course, that those freedoms should be for people, and not for corporations.
Two chapter members also attending the Move to Amend regional convergence in Oakland at the end of July--these convergences are happening all over the country, so check here to see if there's one scheduled near you. Read more...
The chapter also joined with the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom to march in the Monterey 4th July parade. The theme of their entry was "exercise your freedom" so marchers wore exercise clothes and had signs about our freedoms, adding, of course, that those freedoms should be for people, and not for corporations.
Two chapter members also attending the Move to Amend regional convergence in Oakland at the end of July--these convergences are happening all over the country, so check here to see if there's one scheduled near you. Read more...