Showing posts with label San Fernando Valley Chapter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label San Fernando Valley Chapter. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

California Democrats stand up for fair elections

Thanks, California Democrats!

By a vote of unanimous consent, the California Democratic Party endorsed Proposition 15, the California Fair Elections Act, at its annual Convention last weekend. Credit goes to the many volunteers who called delegates prior to the convention to express their support for Proposition 15 and public funding of elections. Supporting groups will be looking for more volunteers between now and tbe June 8 election day, when they hope the measure will pass with a wide margin.

Endorsing groups include the League of Women Voters of California, the California Nurses Association, California Common Cause, the California Clean Money Campaign, AARP, California Coalition for Civil Rights, California Labor Association, the Consumer Federation of California and the Sierra Club.

Yes On Prof 15 has an events page for prospective volunteers and curious voters, and downloadable materials here.


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2009 end-of-year report

Here's the wrap-up on major chapter and national campaign activities for 2009--if you're not an AfD member, why not join now? A stronger democracy in 2010 should be on everyone's list of resolutions!

Contribute on-line here. If you'd like to join but can't afford to make a donation right now, please email the Alliance for Democracy at

2009 AfD Activity Report


Monday, November 23, 2009

Thank you, San Fernando Valley AfD

We wish "hail and farewell" to members of the Alliance's San Fernando Valley chapter, who have decided to formally disband in order to work directly on what has been a long-time key issue: public funding of elections.

One of the major accomplishments of the SVF chapter had been the initiation of the California Clean Money Campaign. Last year, a bill to publicly fund the Secretary of State race passed the California Assembly and Senate, and is due to go to the public for a vote in 2010. Chapter members have been very active in outreach and public education in order to build grassroots support for passage of this ballot question.

We'd like to thank chapter president Robin Gilbert, as well as long-time chapter member and former AfD national council members Dolly Arond and Jo Seidita, as well as all the SVF chapter members who built the organization through their work on member outreach, administration, and newsletters.

We'll keep everyone updated on the progress of the California Clean Money initiative, in the hopes that a victory on the ballot next year leads to more funding for more state races, and greater support in other states for clean elections. To see what's going on check out the campaigns' websites, Californians for Fair Elections and the California Clean Money Campaign.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

California's Fair Elections Act draws SFV chapter support

San Fernando Valley chapter members are working to support the California Fair Elections Act, doing outreach to state Democratic clubs, and tabling at farmers’ markets, the Los Angeles Times book fair, and, next month, LA’s World Fest, a solar-powered Earth Day festival featuring music, environmental education and advocacy, family events, and food. World Fest will take place Saturday, May 16, from 10 a.m. t0 7:30 p.m. at Woodley Park, on Woodley Avenue between Victory and Burbank. Stop by and find out what you can do for clean elections—and what clean elections can do for the planet!

The California Fair Elections Act comes to the ballot in June, 2010. For more info, email chapter coordinator Robin Gilbert at


Monday, June 30, 2008

San Fernando Valley chapter members take part in Los Angeles Social Forum

Several members of the San Fernando Valley chapter tabled for single-payer health care and campaign finance reform at the Los Angeles Social Forum. The LA Social forum, which took place June 27 to June 29, brought Southern California activists together to share power, plans, and perspectives on peace and social justice work, with over 70 workshops, films and performances.