Thursday, May 15, 2008

Local Democracy Bubbling in Tucson Thanks to “Sourdough Starters”

The "Sourdough Starters", an informal Democracy-loving group in Tucson, Arizona, hosted a Daniel Pennock Democracy School April 25-27 for 18 attendees who had interests in issues relating to water rights, mining, immigration, land use, peace & justice, and others.

Participants were unanimously grateful for the history and insights they gained and heartened by new feelings of hope engendered by the concept of rights-based organizing as it could be applied to their various issues.

They've met since the school to continue on the democracy organizing path together and to begin a process of studying and possibly changing Tucson's charter to make it a more grass-roots document, a possibility in a home-rule state like Arizona. Sourdough Starters C.J. Jones and Susan Willis are also AfD Southwest Regional Repsentatives. There is currently no AfD chapter established in Tucson but Susan and CJ will be working to establish one.

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