Wednesday, September 6, 2006

October actions on water, war and PVC

October is the month to host water-focused events and actions for "Blue October." You can also host a Ground Truth gathering, or participate in a day of action against PVC.

October marks the anniversary of Uruguay's decision to "write into the constitution" the "right" to water. "Blue October" is a decentralized action that allows you to organize a response according to local water issues--a good chance to network with community groups working on fair trade, environmental protection, and social and economic justice.

Possible actions include a bottled water taste test or screenings of the movie Thirst or In the Light of Reverence. For ideas and materials go to the Alliance's water page and watch for AfD's Defending Water for Life Campaign/Blue October Alert on the home page soon.

On October 11, plan and host a Ground Truth gathering--October 11 is the 4th anniversary of the Congressional vote authorizing the use of force against Iraq, and an opportunity to draw support for candidates who stand for bringing the troops home now, and for funding to meet all our veterans' needs. So, from October 4-11, a week of action, host a showing of The Ground Truth: After the Killing Ends in your community.

Buy the DVD (available for about $15 and invite some AfD members and friends to see it in your home or church, take it to your university or college, community center, town hall, coffee house, or independent movie theater.

Hailed as "powerful" and "quietly unflinching," The Ground Truth is the story of six patriotic young men and women who serve in Iraq. The film follows them through recruitment, training, combat, homecoming, and the struggle to reintegrate with families and communities. The war, which is depicted with ferocious honesty, is a prelude for the even more challenging battles at home, as the soldiers deal with personal demons, an uncomprehending public, and an indifferent government. The Ground Truth goes beyond the war stories to look underneath our American tradition of engaging in war and then abandoning the warrior. This film asks how do we "Support Our Troops"� when the killing stops?

Produced and directed by Patricia Foulkrod and in association with Operation Truth, a non-profit organization created by Iraq veteran Paul Rieckhoff, Director of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. For information go to: Opening at select Landmark Theaters in major cities around September 15.

Also on October 11: PVC Day Action. Join parents, consumers, and students from around the country and demand "big box" retailers clean up their act and phase out PVC, the poison plastic. The day of action, organized by the Center for Health, Environment, and Justice (CHEJ), will target one of the nation's largest retailers (to be announced soon) that sells many common consumer products such as children's toys, baby products, and shower curtains made out of or packaged in the poison plastic. These products are dangerous to our health and environment from start to finish--in the factory, at home, and in the trash, releasing poisonous chemicals linked to cancer and birth defects. The day of action will feature the launch of a hilarious new animated spoof video, "Sam Suds and the Case of PVC, the Poison Plastic."
CHEJ's PVC Day of Action kit contains ideas for actions and supporting material to educate neighbors, the media and consumers. Hand out literature while wearing a hazmat suit, or buy PVC products and return them with a letter explaining how they threaten human and environmental health. For more info, email Mike Schade, PVC Campaign Coordinator at the Center for Health, Environment and Justice at Learn more by visiting:

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