Calls to action on NPR and impeachment
Stop the Bush Budget Cuts for NPR and PBS. Democracy depends on an informed public. You may have received the MoveOn request to sign the on-line petition, but we want to be sure you read this and act.
The new Bush Budget drastically cuts funds for NPR and PBS. We've stopped similar cuts in the past. Enough is enough. Congress must guarantee full and permanent funding for public radio and T.V. and freedom from all partisan political meddling.
Call your Congressional Representative's D.C. office and then sign the MoveOn petition.
Impeachment. We know that many of you may be supporting the calls for impeachment, but we must keep the pressure on and the movement building. Remember, Nixon was not impeached until public pressure made Congress act. Recently, Howard Zinn, writing in The Progressive, called for renewed effort on impeachment, focusing on community grassroots hearings similar in spirit to the Revolutionary War era Committees of Correspondence. Visit for links to congressional district committees working on impeachment, as well as petitions, fact sheets, and other organizing materials for an event in your community. As Zinn writes: "Courage is in short supply in Washington, D.C." Let's show Congress that, as Molly Ivins said, "We are the deciders." Have the courage to speak out to your neighbors and in your community about the lies and criminal acts of Bush and Cheney for which they must be investigated, impeached, and held accountable.
Impeach Cheney. Learn more about the movement now launched to also impeach Cheney for high crimes and misdemeanors, particularly, after the revelations of the Libby trial, and sign a petition go to:
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