Friday, November 3, 2006

Two Veterans Day Actions

Show "Iraq for Sale": Alliance for Democracy chapters and activists have been screening director Robert Greenwald's documentary "Iraq for Sale"--an expose of how political connections, lobbying and campaign cash have led to outrageously lucrative contracts for private companies providing services and security in Iraq. CEOs get rich, while taxpayers fund obscene waste and incompetence, and both soldiers and civilians are put at risk. For info on purchasing the DVD and organizing or attending a screening go to, and while you're there catch up on the recent New York Times article about Stewart W. Bowen Jr., the federal auditor whose investigations of fraud and corruption among US corporations and occupation officials may have earned him a pink slip courtesy of the Republicans on the House Armed Services Committee.

Help Military Families Speak Out as they honor those who died in Iraq: On Veteran's Day, November 11, Military Families Speak Out will establish a memorial on the National Mall to the service members and Iraqi citizens who have died as a result of the war. You can sponsor a flag, recognizing a service member, by visiting Military Families Speak Out's website. The flags will be displayed along with photographs from the American Friends Service Committee of Iraqi casualties--men, women, and children.

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