Thank you, San Fernando Valley AfD
We wish "hail and farewell" to members of the Alliance's San Fernando Valley chapter, who have decided to formally disband in order to work directly on what has been a long-time key issue: public funding of elections.
One of the major accomplishments of the SVF chapter had been the initiation of the California Clean Money Campaign. Last year, a bill to publicly fund the Secretary of State race passed the California Assembly and Senate, and is due to go to the public for a vote in 2010. Chapter members have been very active in outreach and public education in order to build grassroots support for passage of this ballot question.
We'd like to thank chapter president Robin Gilbert, as well as long-time chapter member and former AfD national council members Dolly Arond and Jo Seidita, as well as all the SVF chapter members who built the organization through their work on member outreach, administration, and newsletters.
We'll keep everyone updated on the progress of the California Clean Money initiative, in the hopes that a victory on the ballot next year leads to more funding for more state races, and greater support in other states for clean elections. To see what's going on check out the campaigns' websites, Californians for Fair Elections and the California Clean Money Campaign.
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