Saturday, June 26, 2010

Meanwhile, in Moab...

Laird and Robin Monahan crossed into Utah early this week, taking a break from foot travel to drive 170 miles along I-70 (walking isn't allowed on the interstate). On Thursday they were at the Grand County Public Library in Moab for a "Meet the Monahans" event, and were interviewed by local media: the Richfield Reaper, community radio KZMU, and the Moab Times--you can read the Times story here.

Meanwhile, in Detroit, Move to Amend groups have been highlighting the walk and encouraging people to follow the brothers' progress online. People on the route of the walk can support them by connecting them with local media and with groups that might host speaking events, and those who are further away can leave a "thank you" comment on their blog,

If you're on the east coast, keep an eye on their blog for their arrival date in DC, and join them for a rally and a day of lobbying--watch this blog, the Move to Amend site, and the AfD enews for more details (subscribe to the AfD e-news here).

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