Frontline on the dealmaking behind the health care bill
Healthcare-NOW alerts us to an upcoming episode of the PBS documentary series Frontline on "Obama's Deal"--a look at the high-stakes backroom and boardroom negotiating that went on between the health care industry and their friends in Congress and the White House as lobbyists and legislators put the health care bill together. A preview is below:
We hope that the show ask why the health care needs of the American people had to take second place to the profits of insurers, pharmaceutical companies, and for-profit service providers, and why the sensible alternative--single payer health care--was excluded from the debate from the beginning. Frontline's track record on the debate is mixed--a year ago they aired "Sick Around America," which earned brickbats from activists and media reviewers alike for its kid-glove treatment of industry spokespeople.
The show airs on television and cable starting on Tuesday, April 13. Check Frontline's website for local listings.
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