Thursday, November 5, 2009

Kucinich Amendment out of House bill, so conference committee is its last chance

According to Rep. Dennis Kucinich's office, his amendment to change ERISA regulations to help states set up their own single payer health care systems will not be part of the Managers Amendment, despite approval by congressional subcommittee and many calls on its behalf in the last few days.

However, once the current reform bill passes the House it goes before a conference committee to be reconciled with whatever reform bill comes out of the Senate. It's possible that the conference committee report, which will eventually become law, might include the Kucinich Amendment. Our calls, letters, faxes, visits, etc., will then be extremely important in the fight to keep single payer going on the state level, where legislators are more accessible and accountable to the people who elected them, rather than to the entities that fund their re-election campaigns.

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