Thursday, January 8, 2009

Action Alert: Vote on for single-payer and an end to corporate personhood

The deadline is January 15, so don't put off taking part in the final round of voting in the “Ideas for Change in America” competition at You may vote for 10 “ideas.”

On January 16, the top 10 rated ideas will be announced at an event at the National Press Club and formally presented to the Obama administration. The National Single Payer Health Care Coalition will be at this event.

1. Vote for “Free Single-Payer Health Care
2. Vote to end Corporate Personhood

1. Let’s make single-payer healthcare one of the ten ideas to be presented to President Barack Obama on January 16th and let’s work to make this actual policy.
Vote for “Free Single Payer Health Care” here. (Note: We realize that single-payer healthcare isn’t free--the author of the idea has noted it would be paid through taxes and mentions HR 676.)

AfD Joins National Coalition for Single-Payer Health Care. The Alliance has joined the Leadership Conference for Guaranteed Health Care (LCGHC), the National Single Payer Coalition. The Coalition will work to pass H.R. 676, the US National Health Insurance Act, that Rep. John Conyers will re-introduce to the new Congressional 111th session. Hundreds of national, state and local labor, faith and social justic groups, and many teacher, medical and nursing professional organizations support H.R. 676. Many members of Congress are co-signers of H.R. 676.

Healthcare is a human right. A national federally-funded single-payer program is the only way to ensure that right is met. It is the only way to get private insurance and HMO corporations out of the for-profit healthcare business and have a healthcare system that is affordable, and covers and serves people of all ages regardless of income and employment status.

Join us to support H.R. 676. We are posting materials for education and action to our website. Please consult the website often to keep up-to-date. Thank you from the Single-Payer Health Care Committee: Peter Mott, Rick LaMonica, John Noronha, Lou Hammann, Ruth Weizenbaum, Ruth Caplan, Barbara Clancy, David Delk and Nancy Price.

2. Vote to end END CORPORATE "PERSONHOOD.” Seize the day! “End Corporate Personhood” has qualified for the final round! Join us and help realize AfD’s mission to “end corporate rule. Vote for this idea here.

Let your friends know about the vote! Forward the link to this post, blog it, Twitter it, Facebook it, etc. (Telling people face to face works too!)

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