Portland Chapter fights for recently-passed referendum and Instant Run-off Voting
David Delk, Portland AfD, writes:
The Portland (OR) AfD chapter continues to work on election issues. In the November general election, we supported the passage of two ballot measures which would have placed strict limits on campaign contributions. One of those measures passed; the other failed. Some of the provisions of the successful measure should have gone into effect except that the Oregon Secretary of State has decided not to enforce it. Both Co-Chairs of the Portland chapter (David Delk and Joan Horton) are now plaintiffs in a suit to force the SOS to enforce the law. The voters approved it, and the SOS should not decide to disregard it. Remember, in Massachusetts the Legislature blocked funding of a campaign finance measure that voters passed there a few years ago.
On another democracy issue, the Portland chapter is actively promoting the use of Instant Run-Off Voting (IRV) as a local option in city and county elections. Activists have formed a statewide coalition to promote IRV and are encouraging all state voters to contact their state representatives and senators, asking that they support it as a local option. Oregon State Representative Jackie Dingfelder will soon introduce legislation and she needs to be supported in this effort to rid voters of the "spoiler effect" and to require candidates win with a majority, instead of just a plurality, of the vote. Visit the Portland Chapter website for more information. Co-Chair Nancy Price was active in the IRV Campaign in Davis, CA that passed in November 2006.
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