Our November election brings new and returning representatives to AfD’s national council. Lou Hammann, of Pennsylvania, will be serving as co-chair with Nancy Price. Bonnie Preston, of AfD Downeast Maine, and Ruth Caplan, chair of AfD's Corporate Globalization/Positive Alternatives campaign, will be the new at-large council members. Our co-chairs, David Delk and Jean Maryborn, treasurer Vikki Savee, and secretary Peter Mott, all stood for re-election and were returned to office.
We also welcome three new regional representatives to the council. Regional reps support new chapters and current chapters and present AfD's perspective to local activists and groups. Joining the council are:
Steve Scalmanini, Northern California. Steve is an active member of AfD's Ukiah Valley chapter, where he acts as informal chapter secretary and organizes monthly video screenings. He's also active in local peace and environmental groups.
Jacqui Brown Miller, Northwest. Jacqui helped organize the South Puget Sound and Greater Seattle chapters. She has worked on pro democracy organizing both through local rights-based activism and in Washington's Democratic Party. She facilitates workshops on democracy and helps produce the Reclaiming Democracy TV show.
CJ Jones, Southwest. CJ recently relocated from Mendocino, where he was a founding and active member of the Mendocino Coast AfD chapter, to Tucson, Arizona. As an unaffiliated member, he is looking forward to re-engaging in political work on the AfD
Returning regional reps are Ruth Weizenbaum, Northeast; Pat Hammann, Mid-Atlantic; and Rick LaMonica, North Central. Note: There are three regions (New York, South Central, and Southeast) without regional reps--if you're interested and would like to know more, please contact the national office, afd@thealliancefordemocracy.org
Lastly, thanks to former council members for their work, and to AfD's nominating committee, Lou Hammann, Jim Tarbell, and Mary White, for recruiting candidates and organizing the election.
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