Monday, December 18, 2006

Did your members of Congress stand up for Habeas Corpus?

AfD member Lee Loe writes:
In response to the passage of the Military Commissions Act of 2006, I have published a small booklet, "Defender of the Constitution, We, the People, Thank You", to be presented to each of the senators and representatives who voted Nay to this horrendous bill. Other Houstonians and I are handling the ten defenders from Texas, but we need help to get the rest distributed, hopefully by constituents, at the congressperson's office, reception, town meeting, or whatever is appropriate.

The booklets cost $2 and I need folks in each honoree's district to help with the expense. They include the presentation, an article about the passing of the Military Commissions Act, two articles on the history of habeas corpus, quotes from the Constitution and the Magna Carta, list of defenders by state, Jack Reed on the Geneva Conventions, and a note on the Bill of Rights and the Act.

To find out more about how to get a booklet for your Senator or Representative (if he or she was on the side of law and human rights), e-mail

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