Saturday, July 1, 2006

Climate crisis actions now through Election Day

(This section is longer than usual so you'll have some details for actions to build momentum to Nov. 7.)
Background: The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was the first international treaty to address global warming and entered into force in 1994. The Kyoto Protocol, an amendment to this international treaty, opened for signatures on December 11, 1997 and entered into force on February 16, 2006. As of April 2006, 163 countries have signed, covering about 65% of global greenhouse gas emissions, to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gases, or engage in emissions trading if they maintain or increase emissions of these gases by 2012.

The U.S. and Australia are the only industrialized nations to not sign; Bush says restrictions on the industrialized nations are unfair.

The first UNFCCC meeting after Kyoto was in Montreal, Nov. 28-Dec. 9, 2005, when the U.S. was dragged “kicking and screaming” to finally agree to “open and non-binding” talks, while the other countries agreed over the next three years to make deeper cuts. The next meeting is in Nairobi, Kenya, Nov. 6-17, 2006.

Here’s what you can do from now to Election Day, Nov. 7:

Pledges to Support Solutions:

  • Ask The Candidates. The Climate Crisis Coalition USA Campaign has issued “A Call to Action to Midterm Congressional Candidates.” Because the U.S. has not ratified the Kyoto Protocol, call on candidates to support the ClimateUSA’s Platform and sign on to the “People’s Ratification of the Kyoto Global Warming Treaty.” See See Climate Crisis Coalition at and
  • Call on local and state candidates to take a stand at forums, take a delegation to the local office, stage a rally outside the office, call and write “Letters to the Editor.”
  • Mayors Pledge for Climate Protection and to take local action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Take the pledge to your mayor at city meetings, see Started by citizens in Seattle, WA, as of July 7, 2006, 262 mayors representing over 47 million Americans have accepted the challenge.
  • Get oil and gas money out of politics. Sign the Petition for an “Oil-Free Congress” for clean and renewable energy. 3 million MoveOn members have said, “Enough , we want clean energy, now!” Sign at and invite your friends to sign. See if your representative or candidate gets money from big oil or gas at and follow directions.
  • Advocate for Community-based Solutions. Create a flier with ideas and actions for your community, see “What your community, neighborhood or workplace can do to stop global warming and build a healthier economy” by Sustainable Hudson Valley at Also Clean and Green Seattle: A Better Place to Live at
  • Get the message out on Cable TV. Show AfD’s video or DVD of Ross Gelbspan’s talk to the Northbridge (Concord/Lexington, MA) Chapter, “A Journalist’s View of the Climate Crisis” and see his website To order the video or DVD, call Barbara Clancy at AfD’s office 781-894-1179 and to learn how to get on to your community cable go to and under campaigns click on The Media Project and then on “Other Voices – A Community Cable Project.” Any questions email Ruth Weizenbaum who developed this project, or 401-724-3141.
DAYS OF ACTION gaining momentum around the world
  • July 15 Global Day of Action marking the “Group of 8” Summit in St. Petersburg, Russia. The G8’s recently-leaked “Communique on Energy Security” calls for trillions of dollars of new investments in carbon-based energy and expansion of nuclear-power, rather than endorsing serious reductions and clean energy. For international actions see Rising Tide’s website
  • Aug. 26, Saturday, one year after Hurricane Katrina, protest locally or at the national headquarters of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration headquarters in Silver Spring, MD, to demand resignation of Dir. Conrad Lautenbacher for cover-up of scientific evidence that global warming will bring more frequent and devastating hurricanes. See
  • Nov 4, Global Day of Action, plan now and join people around the world to call for for immediate action on global warming. Many national and international groups are involved such as Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, and Green parties. This coincides with the second meeting of the UN Conference on Climate Change this time in Nairobi, Kenya, Nov. 6-17. Plan local events and support national actions. On Nov. 11 there will be demonstrations in Nairobi.

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